Friday, November 14, 2008 @ 9:03 AM
robert thought me n yao wldnt do this.
he was WRONG!

1. Do you have secrets?
ya of course. depends on who i'll tell them to. yao, robert and my sis are my secret keepers :D

2. Would you fall in love with a boy younger than you?
a few months younger? okay.
a yr younger also ok but he has to look older than me.

3. Do you enjoy going to sch?
ya. school is actually quite nice. keeps me busy!

4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
-i'll donate to the poor. world peace!-
honestly, i'll keep some. i need money to buy alot of things. then i'll buy a birkin bag for robert, a pink car for shirui, a ticket to taylor swift's concert for my sis (that includes a backstage pass), a swimming pool for my parents (they LOVE to swim). ANDANDAND i wld love love love to get a ferrari and a vintage car for myself, go to some skin doc to kill the ugly zits and scars and if i'm not in vet sch then i'll go study to get there! :D and i wanna travel the world! then i guess i'll save or invest or give my parents some money. i feel sorry for those people who are super poor and skinny, so i think i'll still donate.

5. Will you fall in love with your best friend?
i already love them.
nah not in that kind of way.

6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
does the person i love, love me back?
if yes then that'd be very blissful.
but i guess its more to the being loved by someone.
better still if i love the person who loves me.
ok this is a very fantasizing kind of ques.

7. Who do you idolise?
i dont really idolise anyone.
but i DO look up to people.
like in that kind of WOW THEY ARE SO COOL way.

8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
does the guy like me EVEN THOUGH he is attached??????
wellll, as much as i wld kinda like the guy to belong to me.
i wldnt want to break them up or do anything mean.
just be friends.

9. Is there anything that has made you extremely happy?
chatting with yao n robert make me HIGH.
family overseas trips.

10. Do you have any regrets?
nope, not that i can rmb of. i dont like to live in regrets.

11. How would you see yourself in 10 years time?
i want to be a vet!
i will still of course have yao n robert and my family and friends.
i guess i'll be working.
and i'll have a dog.
and i can drive!
can i be rich????

12. Who are currently the most important people to you?
kinda pretty obvious in the previous above ques.
family (although they do make me piss at times), yao, robert.

13. What kind of the person do you think the person tagged you is?
hahah he likes hotness!

14. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
can i be single and rich but have a fiance/bf? :D
i think i'll rather be single and rich.
cos if u are (unhappily) married and poor then that would really suck.

15. What is your favourite colour?
blue, red, brown, white...

16. Would you give all in a relationship?
i havent been in one so i wldnt know.
but IF i was in one then i guess i wld kinda not exactly give it all, need to protect myself ah!
what if the guy is mean or smth.
then again, maybe i'll be naive and unconsciously give all.
ahhh when i get one then i'll tell you :D

17. What would you do if someone whom you hate ask for your forgiveness?
pour acid on them!!
hahaha nononono i'm not that disgustingly mean.
ok let me think of the person i use to hate. wld alrdy be a joke is she asked for my forgiveness.
she has to be ULTRA sincere.
forgive her?? she is pretty much non-existant in my life.

18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done? INTENTIONALLY MURDER my loved ones?

19. Do you prefer being single or having a relationship?
but for now in a relationship (NO i'm not desperate)
cos i havent been in one, so kinda wanna know how it feels like. curious ok!
being single and seeing people being in one kinda makes u feel...u know!
but then i guess i'll miss being single.

20. 6 people I have tagged:
okay my blog has been quite dead for a while.
so whoever sees it then do it.

Saturday, November 01, 2008 @ 9:18 AM
ok so it has been long since i last blogged.
sch has started,
MSTs are coming in...less than a month??
timetable is seriously screwed up.
have to wake up at 6 or 630 everyday.
i need SLEEEEEEEP, badly.

so my modules have changed.
the only module thats worth looking forward to GEMs.
MOB...okaaaaaay laaaa.
so, gotta study!

i've decided to keep myself busy!
i think i'm like quite free la.
got DMIT badminton event coming up.
and FOC planning.
get involved!

i am thinking of cutting my hair,
or doing smth to it.
other than coloured extensions.

rob and his cam.
apparently it has disappointed him twice.

1947 Plymouth!
got this thing for vintage cars!
and F1 cars!
Ferrari cars!!
but cant afford =(

1971 VW beetle convertible

melody's dog.
it is SUPER hyper.
cannot stop jumping.
it didnt take the dog long to jump up again, aft it lay down.

it IS hyper.
i had to tackle it cos i wanted to take a pic with it.
failed to imitate.

yes, hami is GONE.
new maid came, mum not pleased so gonna change.
this always happens.

it was super noisy.
but i caught a glimpse of the super hot sexy red ferrari car.
yaya, quite lame, i know!

THIS is robert's creation.
(the left one obviously)
he decided to photoshop me.
the bulges on my arms are "muscles" according to him.
he was trying to make me look fatter.

played with my cousin's apple laptop.
i want one tooooooo!

apple laptop takes funny pics.
23 Aug 91
i'm blessed.
I Want to...
travel the world.

rock, indie, alternative, jazz, soul, oldies

All Talk


Designer: audieee-kewgirl♥
Pictures : maesstria.