Wednesday, May 28, 2008 @ 6:59 PM

my hols are finally here!

shirui just went back.

it was great having her back

alots of talking and fun and eating!

from ya kun to sakae.

yao wanted lemon honey ice blended (which they dont sell)

so we bought lemon and honey ice blended and MIXED them tgt.

i ended up having to be the guinea pig.

feeling so super full with all the bubble tea,

we went to the arcade to "exercise"

car racing was GOOOD

laughed our asses off bcos of this game

ya kun!
yes, more eating.

had fun at foodcourt.
took really silly photos.


they stopped aft a while,
me and yao were ENTU!
know how we eat so much sushi?

cos we only ate the top of for some sushi-s


my sashimi slid of my plate when i raised it up to take a pic.

laughed like mad.

this was our wasabi eating contest.
the incredible mess we made after eating 70 plus plates.
no kidding.

she took peas for her mum
they were dead beat aft eating (less than us)
:Dthe day yao went off,
she gave me and robert each this frame.
it sure came as a shock.
its really nice!
so touched la.

it'd take a million years

to forget what we've shared

the joy

(this looks kinda vulgar)

the laughter

the sadness


you'll never be forgotten despite the miles.

sorry for the insensitive period,

thanks for all.

keep this connection, k?

so be lady like in thailand (damned nutty),

then when you come back, you can be "young" again with us.

stay strong as ever!

we'll always be proud of you wherever you go.

i'm ever so grateful to you.

you are part of who i am now.

love yao.

6:59 PM

Sunday, May 18, 2008 @ 12:19 PM


*pulls hair*


so little time to finish it all!

okay i shall take it easy.

anyway AHYAO is back!


and she's gonna sneak to my hse now,

then leave before my parents wake up!


forever doing this kinda stuff when she's around.

but still,

i feel kinda guilty.


went out with abigial on sat.

finally get to meet her aft all those years.

after all those years of no contact,

we still have lots to say.

went to watch "what happens in las vegas"

was really funny!

the movies now are nice.

previously was harold and kumar

(shall not think abt that now)

that movie was hilarious.

i'm actually pretty grateful to my sis bf,

he's been helping me alot.

been there to calm me down when i was freaking pissed off with those suckers.

really feels like a big brother.

i'm so busy now.

theres nothing else to think about.

at least in this way,

i wouldn't keep on thinking too much,
or hoping that smth might happen.

its alot less "painful" like that.

Thursday, May 08, 2008 @ 9:27 AM
projects are piling up now.
hectic i tell you!
so many things to do,
so many things i'm yet to understand.
CA1 for CRS is coming up so wish me luck!
i'll be discussing on a topic with this guy i never talk to in class n my lecturer.
the guy might just piss me off.
he's always uttering rubbish in class.
so i think i'll be able to shoot him back if he does.
yes, dar and bert taught me well :D
one of the projects i've got to do is a video one.
i have to talk to the camera for 3 min.
talking abt a topic i don't understand and do research on.
kinda dumb but no choice right.
that i have to give by sat or sun.
and i haven't started!!
library with xu mei.
they say i can't stop laughing.
as robert has been emphasising and doing,
is to study.
i've not been concentrating fully on my studies.
so i guess i shall study hard during the weekends.
hope it works!
i miss yao!

i'm done with all these confusing bullshit.
shalln't crack my brains to see what you're thinking.
Sunday, May 04, 2008 @ 11:46 PM
i'm currently in sch, having ITOS.
totally clueless and bored.
actually poly life is not bad.
just that i need to stop being late for sch everyday.
i'm brainy
look at lina's BIG eyes
hello big boobs......and thin arms.


met up with robert aft sch!
haven't seen him in weeks.
yao is worse, haven't seen her in ages.
i was deprived.
he's head is small :)

higher ground

yeah, one's missing.
i've been working out :D

okay, yao is missing again.
but she's strong.
those classmates of hers.
boils the blood.
and robert,
hope that you can find someone to go with.
to both of you,
keep going.
to yao,

apart from all the projects and upcoming CA1,
i'm actually quite fine now.
unexpected but its all good.
just kinda miss those times.
and i need SLEEP!
i'm so tired i could just fall asleep anywhere.

23 Aug 91
i'm blessed.
I Want to...
travel the world.

rock, indie, alternative, jazz, soul, oldies

All Talk


Designer: audieee-kewgirl♥
Pictures : maesstria.