Wednesday, February 27, 2008 @ 8:20 AM

dear shirui,
okay i miss you,
and i'll miss you a whole lot when you're overseas studying and working for the next few years.
knowing that you're all alone there makes me feel sad.
i know you are good at coping,
just don't wanna see you so tired.
although i can't exactly see you but you know what i mean.
and now that you're in china,
you're not only tired, but cold.
i just feel like giving you a HUG!
so maybe you won't feel so lonely :D
but you gotta know that you're brave,
not everyone can do what you're doing.
its honestly NOT easy.
and we're all proud of you.
hoping you could have been here to go out and spend time with us.
i know that things won't exactly be the same aft those years,
but whenever you come back to visit,
i'll make time for you.
you will ALWAYS be my best friend,
and i'll greatly miss you.
hope that wherever you are,
you'll always be happy.
cos thats what you really want.
take care and...take MORE care :D
love you.
you can always call when you're lonely :)
Sunday, February 03, 2008 @ 9:01 AM


at taka CK underwear.

been working for 3 days already.

and i actually kinda like it.
except for the chinese new year music that plays repeatedly,
which seriously gets irritating at times.
kinda reminds me of c.o.
anyway, i did okay for O Levels.
got 15 for L1R4.
minus 2 for CCA.
kinda shocked though.
c.o was kind enough to give me 2 points even though i'm always finding ways to skip it.
i'm going poly!
i don't want the hols to end.

anyway, sorry robert for killing your cake.

i realised i'm kinda proud of shirui.

lets just say, she's did well and is doing good :D

keep it up!

and to my dear sister,

stop spending money.


23 Aug 91
i'm blessed.
I Want to...
travel the world.

rock, indie, alternative, jazz, soul, oldies

All Talk


Designer: audieee-kewgirl♥
Pictures : maesstria.