Thursday, November 29, 2007 @ 12:31 AM
i feel like i'm slowly rotting at home.
i need to go x'mas shopping.
have been living in my cousin's hse for the past 3 days.
and my mum is gonna blow when she sees my phone bill tonight.
hope i'll still be alive tmr to tell the story.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007 @ 1:58 AM
this is a post mainly to my 2 best friends.
i know family is important so other than that great friends are important too.


i finally uploaded all the pics.

its seriously tiring.

anyway, i shall begin with roller blading on the 21/10.

felt totally unstable and on the verge of falling each time i put my legs into those skates.

thank goodness shirui and robert were there.


then we were off to robert's hse!

had shirui's cooking for lunch.

it was good!

look at robert's hair.


we were in the taxi on the way to downtown east for prom!

i'm just nervous, not retarded as what shirui's says

ahh, prom.

my lovely best friend!

mdm adibah-hahaha (thats her email)

gonna miss her chim english.

and we are yet to see her without her scarf over her head :)

the ladies from the - gang.

yes,its shannon in blue posing with us.

no, you're not dreaming.

sweet sanofar in pink!

okaay, lets not try to stare at the centre to much :)

i'm the white among the blackies.

mydin is impolite to stay on the phone.


at least we don't look so nerdy for once.

okay, so after prom i went home.

while everyone else was still taking pics.

simply cos of my parents.

then aft my parents went to sleep, shirui robert and chunkit came over.

and quietly, they kidnapped me.

and he headed off to..


and had a BLAST!

now i'm loving clarke quay.

so we got into jumping.

started jumping from the ground to the stairs.

i know it sounds dumb

but it was so exciting.

so we sat down and played 7-up.

with drinks, which was what robert's bag was filled with.

7-up was fun.

very addictive.

so this was me before i started losing..

and losing...

and losing.

and i ended up high.

peishan kept on losing too.

but she didn't get high.

the rest were just lucky.

no, shirui was perfectly fine.

she's just normally very prone to doing stuffs you usually do when you get high.

like playing with your shoe.


no, i'm definately NOT drunk.

group photo!

my, robert looks red.

after a while,

peishan had to leave.

so we stayed on and decided to run.

then we got into fish leong's poster!

the tree was just fascinating.

so we climbed on and took pics and played with the big golden balls.

opposite attracts :)

with our itchy legs, we climbed onto something else.

and we were into jumping again!

what can i say, i'm good at it :)

we stopped moving around after sometime.

and sat down looking at the river.

and we are in the lift rushing to take pics.

finally, we reached shirui's hse.

quietly calling for her maid to open the door.

this was my lovely hair for the day.

it was maggie-fied.

lets not forget to thank robert, the photographer.

and without the camera, robert couldn't have taken those amazing pics.

after 4 years in sec school.

what can i say, i found great friends.

actually 2 only.

one is my best friend, YAO SHIRUI.
we went from disliking each other to actually loving best friends :D

the person who believes in natural healing and not medicine.
who's the complete opposite of me.

who has taught me plenty.

always has a way to make me happy when i'm sad.

who's so generous.
who is seriously very frank to me.
who talks logic into me everytime.

whom i know will keep this friendship for life.

who has shared pissness, fun, joy and so much more with me.
who motivates me to study.
who will somehow know whether i'm keeping something from her.
who made me see so much.
who has done so much for me.
and even though we quarrel, i know she'll still love me :)

to robert.
my best guy friend.
you look constipated.
anyway, he's crazy.
someone who eats weird food combo.
one who is sensitive to people's feelings around him.
one who use to make fun of me to one who laughs with me.
from being fake to being real.
will wait for me and shirui when we have our late moments.
whos flexible with anything.
who gets touched by the slightest thing and touches others in the same way.
and whom will also carry this friendship all the way.

so to my two best friends who have been through so much with me.
thanks for your understanding esp. each time i can't go out and you guys have to come to my hse or plans will have to change.
both of you are really special.
thanks for listening and being there 24/7.
and always telling me to have some confidence in myself.
promises made won't be broken.
the last 2 years of my sec school years were the most complicated ones and if losing previous friends gained me two great ones, its worth it.

to us and to our lifelong friendship.


Saturday, November 17, 2007 @ 6:41 AM
just came home from sharon's church event.
it started out happily but ended shitty becos of one girl.
she was SO FUSSY!
at first me robert adeline and sharon thought we were sitting alone.
so me and adeline dumbed food into the boiling soup.
which is what you do for steamboats right?
apparently, she disagrees.
we came back to the table to be greeted with a rude "who put all the food inside?"
"you're suppose to put the food little by little"
"and who put the prawn inside (me)? its like already cooked la! (well then take it out!)"
"since you put them inside then you all just eat them"
and she began digging our fishballs out.
like HELLO?
who the hell wanted to sit there?
if you have some big prob with us putting ALL THE FOOD INSIDE then scoot!
i'm be gladly waving goodbye.
it was like damn pissing.
so aft all our fishballs were thrown out of the boat by her,
she and her friends put food little by little onto their spoons into the soup.
then when robert put veg inside,
she went "huh we took out all the food and he still put more inside"
excuse me,
the steamboat doesn't belong to you.
if you're so selfish bring your own one next time,
then sit on another table and fuss abt your steamboat without pissing anyone else off.
so aft while, she decided to contradict herself.
she went to put alot of food into the boat.
and she whispered abt us to her friends beside her.
well if it was meant to be seen by us why not voice it out.
we would like to hear your complaints abt the steamboat.
she's the first person i see who gets so fussy with how much food you can put inside the steamboat.
get a life.
theres so much other stuffs to be fussy abt than a.......steamboat.
totally makes all of us not wanna go back there.
sorry sharon.
so before we left, robert went "bye.......suckers"
anyway on to happy news.
went to vivo in the morning and bought....
a pair of zara skinny jeans!!!!
i'm so in love with them!
and they're kinda cheap.
my mum was nice enough to get them for me.
feels odd with yao not here.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007 @ 6:38 AM
O's are 'over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
okay theres still one more paper left..
which is pure chem mcq which is four days later so i'm totally relaxing now :D
O's were okay..
screwed up physics and a maths though..
but its over so no point thinking about it..
for now.
guess what!!!!!
i bought contacts today!!!
and shirui is kind enough to sponsor me :)
its not easy to take in and put out cos myy eyelids will blink like crazy..
and now my eyes are red.
but contacts was surprisingly comfortable.
so i should go and buy again after my monthly ends!
went to shirui's hse today and played!
me shirui robert and peishan turned childish at night and decided to relive our childhood by playing kid games.
and our punishment was to do spastic actions.
somehow they found mine freaking hilarious when i was shaking my body oddly.
felt like a spastic clown.
but it was real fun.
spastic but fun.
after O's really finish..
i'm going SHOPPING!
for grad night first then for my needs.
so i need money.
and i need to find a job soon.
23 Aug 91
i'm blessed.
I Want to...
travel the world.

rock, indie, alternative, jazz, soul, oldies

All Talk


Designer: audieee-kewgirl♥
Pictures : maesstria.