Friday, November 03, 2006 @ 1:01 AM
staying at home is kinda boring..
i need to entertain myself everyday
my parents are asking my to study for nxt yr's Os..
but i can't bring myself to study
yesterday was great fun!
went over to shirui's hse to make jelly..
we didn't really make it seriously..
we added brown sugar in but in the end it still turned out great!
okay lah
shirui you're the pro cooker lah
=) your mee siam was heavenly!
cook for me nxt time ok?!!
then shirui went to make some green jelly..
cos she thought that the jelly frm "my recipe" wld turn out sucky
cos both of our jelly looked like soup!
we played tug-o-war..
we were straining our fingers and shouting away when we cldn't get pass the big green man!
then when her maid was washing the kitchen..
she dragged me in and we "skated" around the soapy wet floor, racing away
sad thing is that she's going to thailand for ages..
i think i'm going to run to thailand to stay with her
i'll missssssssss youuuu toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[nvr see robert for so long already..
i think i forgot how he look like..heh]
Wednesday, November 01, 2006 @ 2:59 AM
****** you totally piss me off.
why in the world would we even care about how you live your life.
and why would we even wanna interfere with your life.
like you're SOOOOO important. *vomits*
and at least the person whose "english sucks like hell",
did way better than u in every other single subject.
you're like SOOOO full of yourself.
do really think you're such a great friend??
PUH LEASE, you bad-mouthed one of your best friends before.
and please, i did not "dump" her.
we just drifted apart.
and common sense will tell you that no NORMAL person would "dump" someone for a B****.
tsk tsk tsk.
and besides even though one day i realise how "dumb" i am (which will never happen)..
i won't even think abt going back to you..
because you are so NOT needed in my life too.
and i am VERY (xinfinity) happier now than i was before.
so quit being SO confident that one day i will go begging you to take me back.
because it will never never ever ever happen. HAH!!!
and i no longer think you're needed in my life either.
and now i totally get it why the SOOOO many people dislike you.
so move on with your life and stop bringing the things that (didn't happen to you) in the past up cos its none of your business
23 Aug 91
i'm blessed.
I Want to...
travel the world.

rock, indie, alternative, jazz, soul, oldies

All Talk


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