Thursday, August 31, 2006 @ 7:40 AM
the outing with shirui, mydin and bert lifted my mood!
it was funfunfun!
it was mad when we played that hokey thingy..
we were all whacking the thing around so violently.
toyrus was the best!
we ran around the place like some insane freaks..
then the lady was like giving us that look like we had just discovered our newfound childhood..
my block nose is killing me..
cos now i can only breathe from one nostril while the other one doesn't work..
but only collect dust.
tmr no sch!
i'm so gonna sleep til the sun shines on my backside!
1:42 AM
the exam was baaaddddd!
i was so nervous
as usual..
you totally constantly piss me off!
if you don't wanna talk about it..
then why even bring it up!
besides i'm not interested
so stop it!
Sunday, August 27, 2006 @ 4:51 AM
finally its all over!
i think i did badly for CT..
my parents are gonna kill me.
can't wait for end of yr to be over
things change.
but i hope that it will be normal soon.
Friday, August 11, 2006 @ 4:53 AM
first thing in the morning..
when i came to sch..
i had to stand up
at the parade sq.
cos i came in after the bell goes.
so ms chan saw me and shirui coming in..
and immediately asked us to stand
and there were like so many other students coming in the same time as us..
and they didn't need to stand.
ms chan was our form teacher so we can't get away with it!
it was quite embarassing...
cos we seemed to be one of the very few people standing up..
while everyone is sitting down reading
and i was sweating badly..
felt like i just bathed in sweat.
but the rest of the day was lovely!
we had 'free period' for chinese cos the teacher didn't wanna teach..
as she said that our class was noisy.
i don't think anyone cared cos everyone was talking away.
p.e was goood too.
was stuck in the toilet with shirui while she looked at her amazing hair..
and crapping around with her hp cam.
okay till next time..
Thursday, August 10, 2006 @ 6:47 AM
the national day 'hols' were gooooooood!!
had a great time with shirui..
she made me concentrate on studying!
thats something i've nvr done in months.
but it was an achievement!
went for the outing today..
me shirui robert and denie seemed to just went there..
meet them...
say hi..
after a few minutes..
say bye..
and then go eat lunch by ourselfs.
fortunately the lunch was fun!
i'm going hungry again..
and the tv is calling me!
Friday, August 04, 2006 @ 4:50 AM
it has been long since i last blogged..
i failed my s.s test
it sucks!
worst of all..
ms. lim is going to call parents for those who failed!!!!!!!!!
i hope nth bad comes out
today during free period (bio)..
we played truth or dare
robert was so daring..
he agreed to pratically all the dares that we asked him to do.
denie's dance was funny
anthony was.....truthful
and erica was a whacker!
aft sch i did maths project with shirui
cos lazy erica was too....tired to do
but she's gonna treat us!
we spent the rest of the time talking instead of studying.
i shall blog again after about a century
bye folks!
23 Aug 91
i'm blessed.
I Want to...
travel the world.

rock, indie, alternative, jazz, soul, oldies

All Talk


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Pictures : maesstria.