Friday, April 21, 2006 @ 5:26 AM
sports heats was...
i think my email is gonna burst..
i can't be bothered to check all that chain junk mail..
how irritating...
is it that fun trying to scare people saying stuffs like
"if you don't send to 10 people by today. you will have a horrible love life ahead"
[how sad *sobs*]
"if you delete this you will die"
[maybe this will become a new way of committing suicide...delete chain letters and await death.]
"this is real. DON'T DELETE!! many people have deleted and....."
have those people nth better to do?!?!
there are too many tests..
geog and maths is going downhiiiilllllllllllllll!
i can't wait for PERTH!!!
Thursday, April 13, 2006 @ 9:34 AM
junk mails are irritating me!
all sorts of weird advertisment.
geog test was horrible..
luckily chem was better.
oh yeah.
for lunch me erica and jiajia went to kfc to eat..
so suddenly this huge housefly just landed on my drink.
so the 3 of us started [doing what everyone does when a hsefly lands on your food]....
think your hand is a fan and chase the hsefly away,,,
but this hsefly was huge and somewhat paralysed...
didn't move no matter how hard to we were waving our hands..
aft a few seconds it decided to change place..
and went to erica's drink..
so we panic and started with the hands thing again..
after a few seconds of just moving our hands and watching the hsefly just stay there like its not scared.
then it decided to move AGAIN...
and this time it was jiajia's turn..
so we were like trying to get it off our table..
but aft it flew a whole round arnd our table..
it flew back again and this time it was our food..
so it landed on my tray
and i grabbed my burger and fries and pushed my chair back..
and jiajia suddenly threw tissue paper, tomato sauce and some others at it..
then it just flew around contamininating everything..
and getting us laughing and moving our hands..
then finally it flew off.
when me erica reshmi and denise were on our way down to the chem lab..
reshmi [i think] started doing the tongue twister
"she sells seashells on the seashore"
erica did it properly..
reshmi also..sort of =)
while me and denise were struggling
"she shiao sheeshell on the sheshaw"
"she sell seashiao on the seesaw"
"she sell seesiao on the seeshore"
and we went into the lab laughing like mad..
and mr chan was giving us that you're-so-lame look when we were changing the words and laughing at our own jokes..
[i know didi..i know..tthhhrreeee-e-oonneee]
i'm so terribly tired..
i wanna have at least 10 hours of rest..
night yyyy'aaalllllll!
Monday, April 10, 2006 @ 7:36 AM
ipw rocks!!!
my grp rocks!!!
at first we were like so scared that we were the grp with the worst dance
then in the end mr kor complimented us for good coordination..
i think..
but it was good!!
we all did a GREAT job!
the series of the unfortunate events is funny..
me and didi have been laughing over it..
suddenly there are so many things to look forward to..
shopping with didi and erica..
the word verification at the bottom of the blog thing is..
i typed the letters correctly and i have to do it again..
what is it for anyway..
stop testing my eye sight
Saturday, April 08, 2006 @ 9:16 AM
i was just chatting on msn in a grp
and robert accidentally typed
"sorry" as "sorrU"
and sharon typed
"get lost" as "gey lost"
and feli went "good morning" when it is still dark outside
today i didn't have tuition!
when my dad said "postpone the chinese tuition"
cos of a cousin's b'day party.
my mood was suddenly great!
i so don't like tuition..
i still remember my embarrassing moment outside the staffroom..
cos erica was finding a teacher through the glass door
then suddenly mr. lim appeared..
and i went "oh my gosh! barry!"
unfortunately it was too loud.
and he heard it through the gap in between the doors.
and he turned and said "yes! barry!"
and i went into fits of laughter with erica..
then aft that he opened the door and went "you looking for me?"
and he was laughing..
and i embarrassedly turned away..
i hope the ipw dance will go well on monday..
somehow i kinda like the cajun music..
Friday, April 07, 2006 @ 5:54 AM
the mid-yr timetable is scary..
got like 3 subs in a day.
must start studying already..
a maths is pratically killing me..
the perth briefing was so fun!
i hope we'll take quantas so we can stay ONE MORE DAY IN PERTH!!!
Saturday, April 01, 2006 @ 7:32 AM
time is flying!
soon the perth trip will come!!
i'm gonna room with erica denise and reshmi!!
i can't wait!
we already make plans for what to buy!
and reshmi is already thinking of where to sleep..
oh well!
i've already made my list!
and now i'm counting down..
althought its like..
1 month
and 26 days..
i think.
but who cares!!
thrusday was hilarious.
jiajia and erica made me overcome my fear!
i'm grateful.=)
oh sch is getting more boring already..
and i'm starting to fall asleep in class..
once i fell asleep during e maths.
but i didn't like put my hands on the table and lie on my arms.
i slept with my head in my hands which were on my laps..
its sounds confusing.
but anyway
suddenly there was this voice
"seeerreenneee are you okay?"
i opened my eyes and saw this face...
[which in the end belonged to mr. lim]
and got a shock of my life..
somehow i think he found it funny..
that time when ms chan started talking about her trip to woodbridge...
somehow this pic. of mr.lim came into my mind...
i wonder why....
23 Aug 91
i'm blessed.
I Want to...
travel the world.

rock, indie, alternative, jazz, soul, oldies

All Talk


Designer: audieee-kewgirl♥
Pictures : maesstria.