Friday, March 24, 2006 @ 1:22 AM
today's such a good day!
but tomorrow got walk-and-jog..
and it has suddenly become such a huge event.
like the MP and some other MPs and the media is coming..
somehow it kinda sounds boring.
Thursday, March 16, 2006 @ 9:04 PM
oh man!
i still have hmk to finish!
maybe i shall do it later
and somemore got geog project to do..
which me and erica just did half way and spent the rest of the time surfing the net.
i'm feeling so tired.
even though i just slept for centuries..
and i have nothing to blog about..
Friday, March 10, 2006 @ 3:46 AM
yesterday was crazy.
firstly there were people playing with towels during physics..
the way they were playing were like..
then during chinese..
don't know how come suddenly the class went into hiding frm the chinese teacher..
cos we off all the lights and fans
then everyone when to sit on the floor under the window..
then when she came in..
she was unpleased cos she went everywhere to find us..
then the whole chinese period we didn't study!!
she also just stand in front of the class and didn't say anything..
then now ms chan say that the chinese department is gonna punish us..
oh man..
i wonder what they will do to us..
i just hope that they won't make us write lines or do some chinese things..
today ms chan spent the whole period talking to us..
about the complaints she received.
then the best part was that reshmi told ms chan about what happened during physics..
[that people were playing with towels and not showing respect to mr.tan]
then ms. chan went to ask combine physics people to spill..
so one [the one who was obviously involved] said.
that she and two others were sitted down aft an experiment and suddenly
someone sitting in front of them went to throw a towel at them..
then ms chan went to scold that person only..
the thing she missed out is that
if the guy throw the towel..
then how come there was a towel 'fight'
there was a towel 'fight' because there were more than ONE person throwing the towel
so the person who told ms chan what happened also happened to be the one who throw the towel too
so what if the guy started first
she could stop it..
but she DIDN'T!
i feel sorry for the guy cos he carried ALL the blame.
mr. tan is a good teacher!
they even thought of writing a complain letter against him..
and now they are like..
"i promise not to !%$%$^^#@"
it means that they are all crap.
they are saying because they want to act good..
they are not saying because they mean it.
they are saying for the sick of it..
lets see..
lets see..
i doubt it will last long anyway..
Tuesday, March 07, 2006 @ 2:47 AM
ohat last!
we had a much much better assembly today!
instead of all that extremely long boring talk which would instantly make you fall asleep..
we had 987 djs [the muttons in the morning]
to come to our sch!!
and this band..
whats the name?
i think its something like banin?
or is it bandnon?
the band's drumist was good!
and so was their guitarist!!
the blonde singer [levan wee]..
which looks like an american..
but he doesn't talk like one..
cos he's absolutely fair..
and there was one part..
which he gripped his crotch area..
and its was quite disgusting..
i think mr.goh and mrs. law must have fainted at the sight of it.
yeah then aft the assembly..
we could hear people singing to the song "black maria"
[that song was quite nice.. =)]
c.o was boring...
but i didn't blow my instrument today!
cos the teacher didn't come!!
i can't wait for the ipw trip!!!
a few people in my class are going to perth for some culture learning thing..
for 4 days and 3 nights!!!
i can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, March 03, 2006 @ 2:02 AM
it is bad
it must be bad
it is very bad
it must be terribly bad
but i'll take the chances
i think
fulfill my curiousity
maybe from now on i shall keep my mouth shut
and just nod and shake my head
just like_ _ _ _ _ _
what is wrong with me
would knocking my head on the wall help
i don't think so
later i shall be collecting blood like _ _ _ _ _ _ _
then i shall go and donate it
and do a good deed
i'm tired.
very tired.
extremely tired.
i need to sleep...
yes i do..
so badly..
then maybe i shall dream of lovely things..
and i shall sleep..
and wake up aft a hundred years..
yeeeaaaaahhhhhh rrrriiiiigggghhhhhhhtttttt!
goodnight folks..
see you in a hundred.
23 Aug 91
i'm blessed.
I Want to...
travel the world.

rock, indie, alternative, jazz, soul, oldies

All Talk


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Pictures : maesstria.