Saturday, February 25, 2006 @ 6:51 AM
oh man!
i need to study!
looking at all the topics..
plus that 200+.
maths question..
i feel stressed..
i miss laughing..
yes i do..
i don't know why.
my mouth feels like opening into a laughing state..
Friday, February 24, 2006 @ 6:00 AM
i love today!!!
theres so many things to rejoice about today!!
lets see..
the fact that theres no spelling of difficult words..
no maths hmk..
theres like no hmk today!
for once in 2 months theres no hmk for a day...
but nxt week got common test..
i shall have to make up for my days of not enough sleep during the hols..
i need to sleep badly
ever morning i wake up half asleep..
and i don't even know what i'm eating..
cos i'm like half sleeping half eating..
the hols will bring more sleep for me...
love it!
i love chinese!
i LOVE chinese!
chinese is my FAVE subject!
(i shall continue telling myself that to make myself study for it)
i finally did it!
i finally did!
(with help frm didi)
but somehow i don't really think that will happen..
i'm really confused!
i'm going ballistic..
Tuesday, February 21, 2006 @ 2:37 AM
it was amazing that i didn't get sunburn..
aft a few hours under the sun for church games..
but now my tan totally rocks!
i still can't get over my disappointment that i got such bad results for my e maths..
i got like 5 FIVE!!!
over 23!!
what pure disappointment!!!
i have to study real hard for common test..
i have failed 3 subs so far...
chinese is of course one of them..
no surprise...
my least fave sub...
i have to wake up early tomorrow..
i need sleep!!
i can't wait to go for the overseas trip..
[i think i can go though]
i've nvr been on a trip with my friends.
my first ever sch trip overseas!!
i feel happy!
i think i sprained my ligament at my ankle..
the other time it was one the other feet..
and the swell was BIG!!
oh yeah..
then that time i had this cut in my hand.
and a tiny stone was in it..
and my friends offered to carrry my bags for me..
i felt royalty!
but kinda embarrassed also.
Friday, February 17, 2006 @ 4:26 AM
went to wallet shop with didi and erica
and its so beautifully simple!!!
and at last my skirt pocket feels empty...
cos my other wallets are kinda junky..
i'm feeling happy!!!!!!! :)
i love fridays..
one thing is that sch ends early..
and that i can relax at night!!
i made a deal with my dad...
if i get single digit for Os...
i will get a dog...
and i've been waiting for one for ages!!!!!
but it isn't easy to get SINGLE digit for Os...
but if i don't get a dog..
its fine...
cos i already planned to get one when i grow older!!
sch is dreadful nowadays...
so bloody stressful...
i need holidays!!
i need sleep!!
i just slept for a while just now..
and got woken up with eyes feeling like they are about to drop off...
i found out today that wk giggles when watching sinful things..
its disgusting to watch those stuffs..
filthy minded..
and giggling?!?!
i've nvr heard of that..
its just SO sick..
i'm disgusted!
i'm loathing the **** word..
it makes me disgusted somehow if you say it...
next week will be full of studying!!
common test is coming..
and i apparently don't understand what is going on in bio..
and i don't understand a maths...
and i'm so dead if i get bottom 5 for maths..
cos mr. lim will make you do 100+ ques..
which will kill all your brain cells...
i start studying today...
i think....
Thursday, February 16, 2006 @ 12:47 AM
i feel sorry for them...
they got scolded for nothing!...
they were just doing their job..
and this was the end result...
it was all because of ONE person...
a maths is terribly difficult..
just the second month..
and a maths is terrible enough..
i feel sorry for mr. tan..
i know it is for all of our future and all that..
but he if he gets sacked..
i will feel bad..
so i'm not going to raise up my hand...
i shall be mum....
for once...
Friday, February 10, 2006 @ 2:03 AM
great day!
about that crisis...
it turned out better than i thought it would be!!
i shall start frm the beginning..
this is the don't know how many times i've told the story..
it started when we were planning robert's surprise b'day party...
so i was in a hurry to buy the cake with didi and sharon..
so i passed the worksheets to saf to put under my table as they were going to class..
to stall robert...
but unfortunately it was locked..
and saf stuffed it through the holes which are at the bottom of the wall..
and it was lost by the time i found out on monday..
so we tried to find..
but still cannot..
so when ms chan wanted to talk to me...
saf told me to tell her..
and i did..
it was horrifying!
really bad!
i was SO scared..
that i wanted to burst!
but ms chan comfort me..
how nice..
i think she saw my almost going to burst face...
i was scared out of my wits..
and my class people saw my red face and thought ms chan bullied me..
so in the end..
ms chan told ms ling..
and ms ling was calm about it..
i was kinda shocked about it..
i still feel kinda bad..
about losing it..
but i shall put the past behind me!!!
thank god!
i don't feel a tiny bit angry with saf....
i'm maturing!
today was great!!
except that during maths lesson..
some guys were acting smart..
by shouting out the steps...
which were so fast...
and we just don't get what in the world they were talking about..
doesn't mean that you understand means that we do right!!!
oh yeah..
i bought a cactus for my seats window...
how wonderful!
satisfying :)
Monday, February 06, 2006 @ 5:40 AM
i'm in DEEP trouble this time...
i shall tell you tomorrow if i happen to survive....
welcome home erica!
and dunkin donuts :)
Thursday, February 02, 2006 @ 11:21 PM
the moment i stepped into the class...
its was dreadful!
the class was terribly untidy..
and the worse part just happened to be just underneath my table...
there were so much paper under it...
yes i admit i WAS kinda pissed....
VERY pissed...
who wouldn't be?
seeing a bunch of unwanted rubbish under your table and around it..
and they just got off the hook for littering in the class and not clearing it up..
and instead of them clearing it up..
WE have to do the job...
how frustrating!
so sad that erica is not in sch...
if not i know what she wld do..
and i would be happy if she did it!
pissed off!
nth much to say about sch...
just that aft sch we gave robert a surprise birthday cake!!!
i can imagine him saying "i'm so touched"
but it was funny..
and aft the whole thing..
we saw sharon's litter [of matchsticks]
on the floor..
and i can't believe robert REALLY believe that we had maths retest...
and summore he asked me whether i wanted to go into the boy's toilet!
*slaps head*
fairuz has finally gone frm dao to friendly...
maths sucks!
12:49 AM
today wasn't that bad...
although i have to take the fact that i'll be having a chinese tuition teacher!!!
that just happens to set me into a bad mood...
tuition is so boring!
and kinda creepy...
esp. when you don't know how to answer questions..
if its one on one then its quite okay...
but if its a grp...
then there will be silence until you answer..
and besides tuition does not actually help me in my poor chinese..
i really think i shld drop...
my chinese is terrible..
with or without a tuition teacher...
i have no interest in chinese anyway..
and now i can hear my mom saying..
"its all in your mind"
yes it is in my mind..
that my chinese happens to suck badly...
its not that i have no confidence...
in fact i think i DO NOT have any confidence that i will score greatly in my chinese..
aft all those years of failing and gettting C6...
ever since sec2 my chinese was sliding down on a slope..
oh well..
just now i was in the mrt..
and it was weird..
cos i happened to be drinking bubble tea..
and the mrt conductor came up to me and gave me this creepy look..
and he said
"don't drink smart lah........."
and i was nodding my head all the way with a scared look on my face...
and finally aft what seemed to be years..
the guy finally realised that i had already stopped drinking..
he went away....
i was SO relieved!
and didi did a good deed today...
and i happen to owe guan yu a b'day present..
23 Aug 91
i'm blessed.
I Want to...
travel the world.

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