Thursday, January 26, 2006 @ 11:04 PM
today was uneventful...
mainly because of MR .LIM!
i can't believe i'm talking about him in every of my blog post!
but i can't help it!
he made me substitude erica...
and now i became the temporary E MATHS REP!!
[erica! come back!!!!]
and when mr. lim suddenly said that..
papers started flooding my table like a tsunami!
thanks so much mr. lim....
i really REALLY appreaciate it...
yeah right!
now i finally understand that being an e maths rep sucks!
at least this is just temporary..
or i might get sick looking at e maths paper al most everyday!
today was not that bad..
the c.o thing was..
-i shall not speak of it-
but mainly i don't like being seen in c.o..
esp. when im playing on stage in sch..
its terrible!
each time we had to stand up..
i feel like squatting on the floor so that i can't be seen..
and today i had a BRILLANT idea!
[although didi says my ideas are sucky..which aren't true! :)]
i pretended to be doing something to my feet so that i won't need to stand up..
and i was bending down all the way untill the curtains closed..
which was WAY long!
and i was bending down there fiddling with my feet..
oh well!
at least i din have to stand up and look at the crowd feeling like a retard..
i can't believe i came up with such a good idea!
2:06 AM
it has been long..
oh well..
can't help it when mr. barry lim gives us a ton of hmk!
thank goodness he let out his secret of how he gets sick...
by seeing reshmi!
oh man!
so easy!
i shall make reshmi stay with him...
so if he gets sick..
then he won't come to sch..
then we won't have maths!!
oh yesyes!
i terribly grateful to the cheers guy..
he was SO kind as to help me pay $0.50 for the 8 days..
cos the price rose by 50 cents!
everything is getting expensive in s'pore!
cos i had no money..
and he see me so pathetic..
trying to rake my brains about what to do..
and he was kind enough to pay 50 cents for me!
i didn't know that cheers ppl were so nice!
i finally realised that i'm naive...
i have no idea why..
i feel naive..
must be bcos of my mother..
who is always drumming these words into my brain..
"you all ah! SO naive!"
you know..
i hate the words "dots" and "errrrrr"
as in like when you say them in this manner..
how gross!
pls don't ever say it infront of my face..
cos i might go nuts..
those words are SO irritating!
why can't ppl just say "lame!"
instead of "eRRrr....DOTS?"
its frustrating!
its sickening!
it makes me sick!
and now its in my head!
suddenly the world is full of a.c girls and guys..
[not me of course!
or some of the ppl i know..]
have you realised that a.c.g will normally say "i hate a.c.g"
aren't they hating themselves?!?!
chinese new year is coming!!
i'm gonna collect ang paos!
can't wait!
*rub hands*
-there are actually some good souls around-
Thursday, January 19, 2006 @ 10:26 PM
it has been ages since i last blogged..
all because i was hidden behind loads of homework..
and finally i don't have hmk today!!
sec 3 is so stressful..
my brains can't take it any longer..
i need to rest BADLY!
maths has already killed some of my brain cells in the process of thinking too much..
thank god i'm going to esplanade lib with the class on monday..
if not i have to go for c.o..
which will kill more brain cells in the process of boredom..
but SADLY theres c.o on wed!!
how i love the weekends..
i can sleep late and wake up late...
i think i shall go and rest now...
or i might go nuts..
Saturday, January 07, 2006 @ 7:23 AM
my brains are developing!!!
i can't believe it!
i FINALLY got the hang of maths..
as in trigo ratios..
i feel so happy!!
and so SMART!
heh heh..
i shall go and change my blogskin..
since christmas is over..
Thursday, January 05, 2006 @ 10:24 PM
i'm very stressed...
very VERY stressed!
i think i'm going nuts...
i need my 'medicine'..
1:33 AM
maths is so boring..
i'm sick of maths...
everytime aft a maths lesson with mr. barry lim..
i feel like my mind is in a maths freeze..
and in a daze..
and maths headache..
my whole mind will be filled with maths maths and more maths..
maybe one day i might explode..
and you'll see equations and formulaes drifting above my head..
but at least E maths isn't that tough..
i guess..
mr. barry lim expects us to get A1..
i think i'm gonna pass out..
sec 3 life is tough...
VERY tough..
i think next year will be worse..
oh man!
i shall go and study..
i feel like a study-hog...
Wednesday, January 04, 2006 @ 3:50 AM
today was kinda fun..
me and erica are laughing loudly everyday in class..
[no surprising]..
i think it will be even louder if didi was in the same class..
but sadly she isn't..
last time we only had to walk up to the 2nd level..
now its all the way to the 4th..
how tiring..
and when mr nahar says "3e1 stand"..
it sounds weird..
i love 2e1...
3e1 is kinda unsociable..
not everyone really knows everyone..
everyone just mingles around with ppl they know..
and on the first day..
we had to study already..
now maths is so difficult..
and mr barry lim talks like a bullet-train..
and everytime aft his lesson..
my mind will be clot with maths equations..
i feel so stressed already..
im the chem rep..
and luckily ms ling is very nice!!
very motherly-figure..
and she said that the normal hrs of sleep ppl shld have..
is 6-8 hrs..
and she said ppl who sleep like 10 hrs are like pigs..
and apparently i DO sleep that long..
maybe even longer if you don't wake me up..
but i'm NOT a pig..
don't get the wrong idea..
i just like to sleep..
today was kinda embarrassing..
when i was laughing my head off at chem class..
ms ling was asking who the chem rep was..
and i was laughing crazily..
and erica was like nudging me..
and aft i raised up my hand..
i think i saw her eyes went wide :)
i think i'm seriously blur..
when i was in watsons with didi and erica..
cos didi wanted to buy a thermometer..
so me and erica helped her to find..
so saw a this thing which looked like a thermometer...
but instead it was a pregnancy test kit!
i felt so embarrassed!!
i cldn't even tell a pregnancy test kit frm a thermometer!!
how smart of me!
but it SERIOUSLY looked like a thermometer!!
here's another story...
i was walking out of the mrt and i saw this girl talking to her friends..
she went "i wanna sit the lift"
[how can you SIT the lift?!?! you TAKE the lift]
then aft that she said..
"the lift got no air"
[since the lift doesn't have AIR then why do you wanna SIT it?!?]
i felt like laughing out loud at that point of time..
hilarious english..
ok gtg..
wanna sleep early today!!
Sunday, January 01, 2006 @ 10:43 PM
school is starting....
just several more hours i will be waking up as if i just slept for an hour..
and walking into a whole new classroom..
and sitting on a whole new chair..
with a whole new vandalised table..
and so many new ppl in a whol diff class...
i'm gonna miss 2e1...
on the first day already have to bring BIG books..
like A n E maths..
and MT..
oh man chinese!!!
and geog....
this is STRESSFUL!
are they like gonna teach on the FIRST day?!?
and dismissal time will change!!
sch hours are gonna be LONG!
oh man...
i shall not talk about sch any furthur..
the new year was fine...
except that i was shocked out of my wits when a sickening beetle landed on my shirt..
and it was horrible..
i was like making noise..
and i went to my auntie for help...
i din really go "help!help!"
i kinda went..
and i think she was scared to flick it off me too..
luckily my other auntie went to use her bag and flick it off..
and i was SO relieved..
i have no idea why beetles are like everywhere..
i hate them..
the make those kinda sickening noises..
and once a beetle landed on my hair..
and it felt like it was tangling my hair..
and pulling my hair..
and my dad took it off me..
and i think i spent so many minutes in the toilet cleaning my hair..
until i felt that it was clean..
and there was another time when i had to kill a beetle..
cos my mom and my maid won't do it..
and i hated insects flying around in my hse..
so i had to kill it myself..
that was the day i began to hate them..
i had to crush the beetle..
and when i did..
i had to crush the shell...
and the whole crushing part was crunchy..
as in the shell was..
i felt the shell crunch up..
and the body parts squashed..
and aft that..
i washed my hand with soap until i thought it was clean enough..
i was grossified..
23 Aug 91
i'm blessed.
I Want to...
travel the world.

rock, indie, alternative, jazz, soul, oldies

All Talk


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Pictures : maesstria.