Friday, December 30, 2005 @ 6:50 AM
i'm baaacccckkkkkk frm kl!!!!
kl was fantastic!
the hotel room was great!
except for the spider which crawled on me n my sis' bedroom wall..
we did shopping at malls most of the times..
and we went to GENTING!!!
that place has WONDERFUL weather!!
i love the weather there..
its so cooling!!
we went to the outdoor theme park there..
but sadly we only sat TWO rides..
which were SO fun!
and both were like quite fast and turn here and overturn there..
and we were like banging here and there on the seats..
the second one was worse..
my head was moving at all directions in a crazy manner..
and there were no cushions!
and i was screaming my lungs out like mad!
and my voice got hoarse aft that..
i was kinda scared before the roller coaster went up...
so i was making weird noises and sqeaking like some freak..
and the guy in front looked at me as if i was retarded..
oh well...
i was scared..
nth much to talk about shopping..
kinda boring..
but i bought my very own SUNGLASS!!!!!
i've been like longing for one..
ever since i was in my mom's womb!!
and now i got it!!
i feel accomplised!!
the coach was fine..
i was sleeping most of the time...
and when we were waiting for the coach at some hotel..
my dad asked me to take something frm my mom's luggage..
and being as blur as i am..
i went to take someone elses one..
luckily my dad alerted me..
or i will be searching through unknown stuffs..
and the guy had this look on his face which i felt pinching and pulling..
but i didn't!
can't be bothered to blog anymore..
bye folks!
Sunday, December 25, 2005 @ 9:09 PM
christmas is over!
oh well..
time flies..
i'm going to malaysia tomorrow!!!
i can't wait to pack!
i have no idea why i like packing..
but it is just so fun to pack right?!?
maybe not..
till the 30th..
bye fellow friends!!
Friday, December 23, 2005 @ 8:22 PM
i think i need to go for WORD lessons..
"FELI come with me!"
i shall shrug the fact that SOMETIMES i talk in a 'different' language..
can you believe it..
time flies!
then soon sch will start...
i shall not think of the fact that sch is starting...
and stress is coming...
and heavy bags on our shoulders with heavy books on our hands..
oh yes!
i was at shop n save yesterday and i saw..
mrs loke!!
she still looks the same..
and when she saw me...
she invited me to chitchat with her over tea..
so we chatted like OLD friends..
she said that i looked like ANNE HATHAWAY!
[that the princess diaries girl]
and i told her that she looks like anita sarawak..
i'm just kidding..
she just smiled widely at me..
and so did i..
den she went away...
ain't that sad..
she just showed me her teeth and shiny metals :) [hehe]
i'm bored..
so i might as well write 5 things about myself..
[thanks eric for tagging me..i feel grateful!]
here goes..
1. i'm sensitive [but not extreme]...yes i am..but i'm trying not to be...
2. i don't like to disappoint people or make them sometimes i keep things to myself so they won't get heated up :)
3. i hate in like listening to kinda scares me..
4. when thunder or extra loud noises wake me up at night..i will always freeze at one point until my shock passes...
5. i once had a dream that jesse mcCartney likes me :)
i have no idea who else i shld make to do this next..
so i'll just say one person..
my dear old sister..
go for it!!
bye folks!
Tuesday, December 20, 2005 @ 11:54 PM
went to cut my hair just now..
and its a disaster..
i shall not talk abt it..
makes me feel like screaming my head off..
i'm so bored now...
can't be bothered to blog more..
7:23 AM
today's c.o was fantastic!
i'm kidding..
its just as sucky as ever..
boring as usual..
so was yesterdays one..
and yesterday i got teased by the conductor..
how pathetic!
he was like smiling in that uncomfortable way..
and he was like saying..[in chinese]
" this girl lazy "
thank you..
" always nvr go c.o "
i know..
and when my friend said that i went for c.o the last week..
i think he got a heart attack..
i can't help it that c.o is boring..
i think he finds it interesting cos he's over dere teasing away like a nut..
and he said..
" she is like a new girl..always don't know whats going on "
oh man..
i think i rolled my eyes in front of his face..
it wasn't the first time..
each time he starts talking about how lazy i am in c.o and that i always nvr go c.o and all that crap..
i feel like sleeping...
i can't be bothered to play my instrument anyway..
he can say wadeva he wants..
i don't care..
but he says it everytime he walks past me and sees me not playing my instrument..
he will come up tsk-ing..
then he goes talking away in a language i don't understand [rubbish]..
enough of c.o..
wanna go and find something to do..
Thursday, December 15, 2005 @ 10:29 PM
went out with didi today!!!
she was so kind as to accompany me to collect my skirt!
its a long story..
cos my mom thinks i got conned by the tailor shop guy..
cos they din tell me the price of the skirt..
and she wants me to go and collect it back..
cos i paid a $10 deposit to the guy..
and my mom was like barking away like a dog yesterday night..
when she came to know abt it..
she was like..
"i knew it! i knew something like that was going to happen!"
oh please!
den she started yelling at me..
saying all sorts of things..
making me so mad!
i think i exploded!
then she said..
"ur so naive!"
thanks mom!
i know i am..
i mean everyone has to go through tis naive part of their life right!
mine came early..
i know its for my own good..
and i don't blame her..
oh yeah!
ppl are getting gross these days..
just now..
at payah lebar mrt..
me and didi saw this man..
holding his cork!
or was he scratching it?!?!
den i saw tis other woman..
in the mrt..
looking arnd..
and scratching her boobs!
they are like acting as if its so normal to do it in public!!
but it isn't!
imagine everywhere u go..
everyone are scratching their private parts!
so public!
me and didi bought stuffs frm watsons!
it was quite cheap!
cos we saw tis 3 for $9.90..
and i took 2 items and didi took one!
it was such an ACHIEVEMENT!
i feel so happy!
i got a spa thingy and some scent candles!
and didi got glitter girls!
or something like that..
the stuffs were so attractive!!
i shall grab them the next time i see them!
oh yes!
and payah lebar is full of dragonflies!
me and didi encountered so many of them!
they are EVERYWHERE!
it was hilarious!
tts all for now!
2:23 AM
today i went shopping with didi!!
and we went to buy sch uniform..
the auntie dere so poor thing..
now i have a problem!!
the p.e shirt they gave me is so horrible!
it has stains on it!
almost ALL OVER it!
thank goodness didi told me that her sis oso got the same prob once and she used bleach..
then now my maid say cannot use bleach...
what the heck..
i'm so fed up!
i shall talk abt today!
it was so fun!
aft we bought sch U we went to plaza sing!!
and we took np dere..
it was hilarious!
the pics were so funny!
and there were suppose to be 2 pens dere..
but instead the other one got pulled out by some idiot!
and we only cld like barely deco only 2 out of all of them..
shall nvr go dere again!
then we ate at kfc!!
at first it was so peacful..
den aft tt some kids came along..
and made so much noise!
it was like a construction site!!
then we went bac to payah lebar and drank COFFEE BEAN!!!!!!!
we were VIPs cos we sat at the MOST comfortable place dere!!
we sat at the sofa dere..
and it was GREAT!
den summore got cushion!!
how luxurious!
then the waitresses came and serve us with golden trays!
and they let us hear our fave music!
and we got free flow of coffee!
and whipped cream for didi!!
then we had free gingerbread!
then they also had free massage!
wasn't that a wonderful story!
Sunday, December 11, 2005 @ 9:10 PM
i bought my books today...
and it made me so depressed..
seeing how thick the A maths book is..
gives me the creeps!
i feel like i'm going to be sec 4 next yr..
next year 3e1 will be so stressful!!
then everyday must study SO hard!!
then we will all feel stressed!!
then soon white hairs will be popping out of our scalp!!
then we will all look old and stressed!!
then our brains will all be so exhausted that we don't even know was abc!!!
i don't wanna think about it!!
i shall chuck my books one side and wait for next year to arrive!!
christmas is coming!!!
met erica today with her mom in sch..
her mom is funny!!
just like erica..
poor eric and didi..
they are down with burnt skin...
wonder how that feels..
imagine having burnt skin which peels of like a snake's..
then your skin in peeling off every minute..
and your skin falls off..
and there's a heap of it beside your bed..
and when u scratch it..
your skin comes off immediately!!
i shall not think too much..
later i have to go for c.o!!
i wanna disappear!!
Wednesday, December 07, 2005 @ 12:15 AM
-deleted post just incase something happens-
Tuesday, December 06, 2005 @ 2:18 AM
boring day...
now surprising..
it took me alot of energy to bring my whole body here to the com..
i can't be bothered to use the com..
but den i thought of erica..
as she wanted me to go online and play minesweeper with her..
and reading her's and didi's blog..
so i decided to use the com..
[ain't i so thoughtful]
i can see erica's eyes rolling..
had to practically drag myself out of the hse to go c.o..
but luckily it ended early..
half an hour early!!
thank goodness it was another conductor today..
or i shall have to stand lyk dunnoe how many hrs of torture in dere..
i feel bored..
i need entertaiment..
i still have C.S.I...
i realised something..
I GREW!!!!
grew as in fatter!!
i think...
whats there to talk about...
oh yeah PDA..
[just to stall time]
i saw this couple in the mrt..
[as usual]
why do couples always choose the mrt as a place for PDA???
i wonder-
oh yeah..
back to the couple..
the girl was lyk lying on the guy's lap..
but it just seems to me that she is lying more to the 'wrong' side...
then the guy was lyk stroking her hair..
and his head was bent low..
as in close to her face..
or mouth..
whatever lah..
cldn't see clearly..
cos my sis said not to look..
den dere was once..
in jurong or something shopping mall..
then this girl..
was like leaning onto the guy..
and the guy's hands were under her boobs..
it seems like they were acting as some push-up bra..
ppl these days..
the worse thing is why do ppl have to be so intimate in the train...
is the train very comfy?
i don't think so..
the walls and chairs are so hard!!
or is it because they just wanna show ppl how to kiss and be intimate..
talk enough alreadi..
23 Aug 91
i'm blessed.
I Want to...
travel the world.

rock, indie, alternative, jazz, soul, oldies

All Talk


Designer: audieee-kewgirl♥
Pictures : maesstria.