Monday, November 28, 2005 @ 11:14 PM
i'm bored..
very bored...
i have no idea what to do...
just watch C.S.I the whole day..
well not exactly the whole day..
i have no idea what to talk abt..
oh well..
blogging sounds boring..
Thursday, November 24, 2005 @ 11:12 PM
today i hav loads to blog..
the first is abt erica..
she was so funny today..!!
she chit-chatted with the vp..
i shall start..
mrs low asked saf : Is she [erica] a student or a guest?
saf : -keeps mum-
erica : oh i'm frm changkat pri
mrs low : ohh
erica : i'm actually planning to come here nxt yr
mrs low : really?
erica : ya
mrs low : whats ur aggregate?
erica : 207
mrs low : do u noe anyone frm here
erica : ya. my mom knows saf's mom
mrs low : -gives her a scary smile and walked away-
obviously erica is lying...
but den the whole thing was lyk so funny
oh yeah den dere was erica's sex talk..
to saf,azy,feli,resh,chunkit,adeline,elly,syaz and xuanqi
as saf,azy,feli,elly n resh were in charge of tis booth..
den they had spices on show..
so erica...
went to take spices n said....
" dere were once 2 pennises named dick n cock "
" one day they met vagina "
" and they went inside her "
and den she did tis "sperm going inside the egg " action
den she took a star-like spice and made it look lyk it was coming out of the vagina..
n tt includes the sound effects of "push..uuhh..push.." lyk tt...
how horny..
she must have been bored..
ok change topic..
c.o today was boring [as usual]..
n i did the same routine everyday i had to go to c.o [wake up late]
but den today's c.o was so relaxed..
good thing dere wasn't a mr heng dere or a zhang sheng..
oh yeah..
den while i was lyk sitting on the chair in front of my instrument..
i heard tis voice behind me..
" could u play a note "
being as blur as ever..
plus getting a shock as i was in day-dreaming..
i turned..slowly
n saw tis cockasian lady's face beside me..
can't she stand in front of me..!
den i was lyk staring at her for a while..
to wait until her words seconds ago sink into my head...
n the shock to disappear..
i blowed a note..
den she was lyk..
" oh! so tts how it works "
-or something lyk tt-
shock of the day-
den aft dunnoe how many hrs..
tis 2 women n a girl..
came towards the yang qin..
which was just beside me..
yeah den aft the girl finished heaaring the music frm the yang qin n so on..
she turned towards my instrument...
[expecting wad was going to happen nxt]..
she said to her mom n pointed to my instrument " look at tt instrument!! "
oh p-l-e-a-s-e
i noe its the first tym u ever saw tis extremely big ugly looking instrument in front of u..
no need for excitement-
i so don't lyk it wen ppl look at my instrument as if it is filled with guu!
den aft all tt hrs..
me n erica played soccer..
as in tt kinda board thingy..
tt was so fun..
den tis boy came n play with us..
n erica got too excited..
n she broke one of the handles..
but den it got fixed back...
the whole thing was so fun!!
i need sleep..
tomorrow i have to stand another day of torture [c.o]
Tuesday, November 22, 2005 @ 12:17 PM
i'm stuck to CSI...
i've been watching it for days...
but its very interesting..
except for lyk the bodies and stuff..
i wonder how can they stand all tt bloody bodies..
n their insides are all exposed..
i'm gonna watch more of it..
Friday, November 18, 2005 @ 7:28 PM
so much for getting excited!!!
the movie was a disappointment!
[that is if u read the book]
the movie wld be nice if u didn't read it...
the book had so much info..
n the movie left out all the good stuff!!
the maze thing did not even show the creatures the champions fought!
they just showed the part which they were about to reach the cup...
n alittle of this and that..
which was unimportant!
but the movie was okay..
the effects n all was nice..
but den i was looking forward to the part where hermione told harry n ron abt rita skeeter being a beetle!!
n i didn't appear!!!
n where was winkie!!
tsk tsk tsk..
but the movie was long..
butt was numb by then..
then me n feli had to go to the loo in the middle of the movie!!
of all the times during the movie!!
but luckily erica said we didn't miss anythin..
ok enough of the movie..
today was great!
the 6 of us went to take np..
it was SO funny!!!!!!
we kept screaming..
i hav no idea why..
too excited i guess..
but it was hilarious!!
the snapshots were quite fast..
but it was so funny!!
den we ate at long johns..
n we bought erica her present!!
its cross-stitch..
my idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh yeah..
when i was on the bus with feli on the way back..
i had an embarrassing moment!!
it was embarrassing!!
i whacked tis guy sitting down in front of me when i was putting my hand down..
den i thought that the guy wldn't notice...
but unfortunately he looked at me...
i tink he thought that i was tapping him or something..
he looked so jikobei that kind..
freaky man!!
den i had to raise my hand to his face...
[to say sorry]
how embarrassing...
oh well..
embarrassing stuffs always happens to me when i take the bus home..
the last time i almost fell...
luckily i grabbed the bar on time...
if not i'll be a laughing stock..
i can't wait for the 9pm show!!
Thursday, November 17, 2005 @ 4:37 PM
tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow!!!!!
i'm gonna watch harry potter!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, November 15, 2005 @ 9:36 AM
i'm gonna watch harry potter!!!
on friday!!!
i can't wait!!!
Thursday, November 10, 2005 @ 11:15 PM
i tink i'm gonna be bored to death staying at home...
my mom won't even allow me to go out..
n i'm very surprised y...
ok anyways...
i have no idea wad to do at home..
oh well...
nth much to blog abt..
Saturday, November 05, 2005 @ 10:15 AM
i'm bored..
i hate to admit it..
but YES!
i'm bored..
can't wait for monday..
i have no idea y..
it just excites me...
oh yeah...
didi told me..
that the teachers will be calling out reg. no n telling u which class u r gg..
i wonder y...
better to take us to class..
the atmosphere is much better..
dere's nth to talk abt..
ok gtg...
-pretzelsandwich!!- *wink*
Tuesday, November 01, 2005 @ 8:11 PM
now i'm at my cousin's hse [vicki]..
today i went ice skating...
it was my first tym..
n it was so fun...
SO fun!!!!
but den the rink was not so big...
i tink...
i enjoyed it..
the put-on-skates part was not good..
the skates were lyk so tight..
cldn't even move my toes..
den aft lyk 1 hr plus my feet was lyk sore-ing..
cldn't even skate properly..
oh yeah..
i got a new phone...
got it yesterday..
i'm so delighted..
23 Aug 91
i'm blessed.
I Want to...
travel the world.

rock, indie, alternative, jazz, soul, oldies

All Talk


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Pictures : maesstria.