Tuesday, September 27, 2005 @ 8:11 PM
oh well..
i guess dere's nth i can do..
but i wish u wld stop..
its getting worse n worse each tym..
the exams r soooo near..
i haven't properly studied yet..
i'm trying though..
too much distractions..
i need to focus..
so much to dooo!!!!!
no time!!!!
dun tink i'll be able to use the com...
Friday, September 23, 2005 @ 8:50 PM
i'm not angry wif robert anymore...
i tink..
but not denie..
he's too much..
the exams r coming..
n i need to study..
how sad...
but apparently i have no idea where to start studying..
ok gtg..
so much to do..
so little tym..
Tuesday, September 20, 2005 @ 8:45 PM
today i'm mad wif denie n robert...
they r so damn insulting...
esp. tt robert..
forgave him lyk once alreadi..
n now still do the same thing back..
wad a follower!
some friend!
robert has BOOBS!!
very big...
denie helped him to produce it somehow...
wonder wad kinda power does he have..
gtg n do my home ec n study for science test...
have to sleep late AGAIN!
Sunday, September 18, 2005 @ 8:20 PM
nvr blog for so long..
have to study for exams!!
saf erica azyan bert n aloy chipped in money for the hamster!!
now i have a new companion!
its a girl n its fussy wif food..
how sad...
oh well..
it is juz so cute!
mom wans to use the com!!!
Tuesday, September 13, 2005 @ 8:13 PM
today was fine..
i tink...
my shoe was still damp frm yesterday's heavy rain...
n had to take out my shoe during lesson tym...
its not tt i want to...
it was just tt it was damp n it felt so terribly uncomfortable...
go try wearing a damp shoe n tell me whether it feels nice...
didi, saf n azyan went to hide my shoe...
so i cldn't find it...
den suddenly mus joey n alia raised a shoe n asked hu's was it...
imagine how damn embarrassed i was!!
i felt lyk burying myself inside the ground n nvr be seen!!
oh well...
Thursday, September 08, 2005 @ 7:30 PM
yesterday wen to play badminton wif didi..
it was loads of fun fun fun...
must have it again..!!!
we were laughing more den playing..
n i kept accidentally hitting the shuttlecock to the trees arnd us...
den aft tt..
we wen to tm n take neoprints...
it was so fun..
we were laughing lyk mad dere..
but sadly had to throw away the beansprout didi grew for me for a b'dae present..
how sad..
cos it was kinda dead...
n the stem was lyk gonna break or sumthing..
den the paint didi painted on the yakult cup [used to contain the sprout]..
was oozing out of the plastic bag...
den her converse bag was dirtied...
but we weren't actually playing much of badminton..
cos i kept hitting the shuttlecock towards the trees..
n two times it got stuck dere....
the first one came down..
but the second one [didi's one] din...
we were jumping lyk mad...
trying to get the shuttlecock down with our rackets...
but cannot..
now it is stuck up dere..
not knowing wen it will come down...
tt was the best day i ever had in the hols...
it was xtreme fun...
nth to say abt today...
Tuesday, September 06, 2005 @ 7:42 PM
dere will b some c.o performance thingy on saturday..
den cannot go n watch 'on the edge' ...
but den sunday have..
but den my family may not be gg..
wanna go out 2morrow..
but den scared lata mom won't allow..
rejection is not sweet...
if not she will talk a load of crap..
before allowing me to go..
oh well..
used to it..
oh yeah...
i was lost in pasir ris..
cos aft c.o i went to saf hse the bus stop dere to get the order of the phoniex frm her...
how kind of her..
den i took bus 9 dere..
den she passed me the book through the back door of the bus..
so i was endulging myself in the book..
n din count the no. of bus stops which passed..
so she msged me n ask me to take buses which brings me to tampines interchange..
so she said alight at the 2nd bus stop frm the bus stop at her hse..
as i wasn't counting..
i was reading the msg..
n the bus stopped at the bus stop which saf told me to alight..
i had tis instinct to alight..
but bcos of plain stupidity..
i did not..
n alighted at the nxt bus stop instead..
so i juz took tis bus which i wasn't very sure of..
cos i thought i saw my avenue on the plate...
but i wasn't sure lah..
so i juz hopped on..
den the bus took me all the way to pasir ris..
so i was so worried...
cos i din noe where it will take me..
so the bus stopped at arnd white sands dere..
i cld have juz simply alight n take the mrt dere..
but bcos i cld tink straight at tt tym..
i waited until aft a few stops..
den i alighted..
n decided to walk all the way to white sands frm dere..
which was lyk quite tiring...
n dere was lyk tis odour frm i dunnoe where..
n it totally stinked up the whole stretch which i walked on..
until i reached white sands..
den i took the mrt home..
wad a waste of tym...
tsk tsk tsk...
oh well..
tts all..
Sunday, September 04, 2005 @ 3:47 PM
went to church today...
quite fun...
got nth much to say..
hols starts 2morrow!!
can sleep till late...
but 2morrow n tues need to go for c.o!!
sad sad...
i'm so sick of it..
Thursday, September 01, 2005 @ 7:20 PM
i'm quite bored now..
read finish the harry potter book...
have nothing to do...
not in the mood for anything right now...
i feel lyk cancelling the b'dae thingy..
not exciting anymore..
cos keep on postponing...
shall not tok abt tis right now..
nth better else to say...
23 Aug 91
i'm blessed.
I Want to...
travel the world.

rock, indie, alternative, jazz, soul, oldies

All Talk


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Pictures : maesstria.