Tuesday, August 30, 2005 @ 5:02 PM
din go for c.o today...
cos i had not much of a voice...
sore throat...
den tis girl frm c.o..
told me tt i must go..
den wen i told her tt i got not much of a voice..
she din believe me...
oh well..
her lost..
i was so pissed off wif sumone..
she called me a greedy asshole..
n a nosey bugger..
oh please!!!
i was only asking for extra straws frm xuan qi..
n she said those to me..
sum frend she was..
i'm so fed up wif her..
i don't tink she was kidding..
cos if u were kidding..
u wld hav acted lyk u were...
which she did not..
n dere was a pause aft she called me greedy asshole..
cld she not hav tink bfore speaking during tt pause..
summoe continued wif nosey bugger..
i wasn't greedy ok..
i only asked for 1 more..
n wad has nosey gotta do wif asking for straws?!?!
i din shout bac at her..
which i wld hav..
if i did not hav not much of a voice!!
wad annoyance!!!
skool was fine today..
xcept for the insultling me part..
which totally pissed me off terribly..
i noe it is good to forgive n forget..
but i can't..
try seeing whether u get pissed off wen someone calls u tt..
n tt someone was ur frend..
how purely frustrating!!
it is not tt she is not my frend..
she is still...
it is just simply tt i'm sooo angry wif her!!
n pissed too!!
enough of tt...
shall engross myself in harry potter books...
-pissed off by u-
Monday, August 29, 2005 @ 8:32 PM
today is definately L.D :):):)...
it so rocks..
got back science results n i got 28/50...
i juz passed..
tsk tsk...
i don't really understand wad ms. tok is toking abt anyway...
but at least i passed..
today was actually suppose to go out n eat wif dem..
but sadly..
hav to b changed..
tis is nvr meant to b...
oh well..
today wen for c.o...
quite okay...
not say very bad...
summore got performance next saturday..
if i escape frm c.o...
confirm tt mr heng come n find me again...
lyk the last time..
embarrassed me in front of everyone....
i'm permanently attached to harry potter books now..
it rocks..
i'm engrossed in it...
juz got the first ever harry potter book in my life..
the half blood prince...
2morrow summore got c.o again....
oh yeah...
today wen i came home frm c.o...
tis mad guy wen to call me...
n said tt i ordered 100 packs of tissue paper...
how retarded...
lyk as if i wld wan to...
wad can i use 100 tissue paper for anyway?!?!
for substitude wen i run out for toilet paper?!?
but i tink its a prank....
it sounded lyk sumone i noe...
Saturday, August 27, 2005 @ 2:23 PM
i'm enjoying myself full time...
i'm so relaxed!!
the b'dae 'party' which was supposed to b 2morrow...
again changed to monday..
aft chinese remidial..
go seoul garden [tampines]..
eat lunch..
den watch movie!!!!
mayb eat cake...
black forest!!!
luv it!!
but the prob is..
wad movie to watch...
didi say wanna go watch the maid..
aloy oso wan...
the rest dunnoe..
but den now the movie all not so nice...
wanna watch herbie but den it comes out in sep..
i'm nvr gonna step into the cinema if they r gonna watch the maid..
i will freak out...
den i cannot sleep..
for nights..
i don't even dare to watch the ad..
let alone the movie!!
yeah anyways..
i can't wait!!
now tt the exams r over..
i'm gonna party!!
but now i'm kinda bored..
have no idea wad to do...
but nnvrmind..
at least i don't have to study...
i'm gonna skip c.o..
for monday...
if c.o was the last cca on the earth...
i wouldn't even wanna go..
oh well..
but my parents n my sis kept saying tt it will look good on the jc form or something lyk tt..
but i will hav to stand the torture of c.o for another 2 years..
which will suck..
tts all i can say...
Friday, August 26, 2005 @ 7:35 PM
the common tests r finally gone!!!
got bac 3 results..
2 yesterday...
chinese got 57...
at least i passed.. [cos last tym i always fail]
english got 23/35...
i was so scared..
i thought i was gonna fail..
cos i wrote 78 words more for the summary..
but the 78 words i wrote turned out to b total crap...
so i don't tink i lost much marks..
for geog i got 19.5/25...
yeah tts all..
i'm gonna enjoy more..
parents r out for bible study..
gonna enjoy enjoy enjoy!!!
Thursday, August 25, 2005 @ 7:06 PM
xams r gonna go!!
2morrow last paper..
today was great..
xcept for 1 person who totally made me feel mad for a while..
terrible terrible..
the person is such a !@#$%^&**)(*&^%$#@!
-jealousy won't help-
i shall not tok abt that person..
let that person b..
i can't control her foul mouth..
i shldn't feel angry over someone who is just simply..
- ''green'' -
enough abt tt..
yesterday during p.e...
some girls were playing netball...
den it just so happen..
tt i got the ball which bounced at my direction..
by sadly i was at the wall dere..
n i crashed into the wall..
amazingly i din hurt myself..
cos the girls pushed against me to get the ball...
n i was sqaushed by dem..
tsk tsk...
sad sad...
n erica n syaz could not help laughing..
oh well...
its ok..
i laughed terribly bad too..
need to study science..
Wednesday, August 24, 2005 @ 4:38 PM
today was nice..
but sadly deres tuition later..
cooked curry chicken for home econs today...
but not as nice as robert's...
tsk tsk..
skool was nice...
:) :) :)
azyan got tummyache...
dunoe y..
she was lyk in agony..
poor girl..
2morrow got maths...
but i can't wait for this sunday to come..
wanna go rest...
if not i will totally fall asleep during tuition..
Tuesday, August 23, 2005 @ 3:26 PM
today is my b'dae!!!
today is my b'dae!!!
today is my b'dae!!!
today is my b'dae!!!
i'm so happy..
it started out tt my frends pretended to forget my b'dae...
but den aft skool..
saf lured me away frm feli n erica by gg to east point toilet..
den feli n erica go ntuc cos feli was gg to buy chocolate..
but wen they came bac..
feli n erica hold out a slice of chocolate brownie frm prima deli n said happy b'dae!!
i'm so happpy..
n shocked..
thks so much!!
den didi said happy b'dae in an sms..
n azyan gave me a testi...
she finally can lie..
hafiz gave me a happy hse cup n notebk wif adress bk..
den my maid gave me money..
n i bought a happy hse photo album..
i'm so into happy hse..
cos of the colour n decos..
very nice..
i'm so grateful to all of dem..
my DEAREST friends...!!!!
feli summore accompanied me to happy hse n buy the photo album..
n i took xtra long juz to choose wad to buy..
but i'm xtra xtra happy!!!
the b'dae party on sunday..
me didi erica saf azyan feli xuanqi reshmi adeline robert aloy..
we r gg to orchard rd..
n eat at seoul garden..
den eat cake at swensens!!
yay yay!!
can't wait!!
the exams will b OVER by den!!!
now i need to go n study geog n hist..
ooh well..
ok bye!~
today's my b'dae!!!!! ***
Friday, August 19, 2005 @ 8:40 PM
today was good...
i failed my lit test..
not surprising though...
cos i slept aft doing 3 questions..
n had to rush through the last one..
wen i woke up..
my finger is much much better...
praise the LORD!!!
nth much to tok abt today...
juz tt i hav the hse to myself..
not for long..
my sis wen out for her b'dae celebration..
having mine nxt sunday...
can't wait!!
i sharing the day wif xuan qi..
cos her b'dae is juz a few days away frm tt date..
gonna buy her sumthing..
my b'dae is coming soon..
nxt tuesday!!
but sadly its xam day..
chinese summore..
tsk tsk..
i still cannot bring myself to study..
the xams r nxt wk..
n i'm still slacking away..
i need to study..
ok i will..
aft eating dinner..
Thursday, August 18, 2005 @ 4:46 PM
today wen to NEWater...
we saw the ppl take water frm the toilet bowl..
which the water was filled wif sh** n urine..
den they wen to filter it..
i'm totally kidding..
its not so disgusting as u tink..
they don't use sh** water or urine water..
the NEWater happen to taste perfectly normal..
but the tour was kinda boring..
nth much..
the games were..
but my day was made up bcos of my whoobie..
obviously u hav no idea wad a whoobie is..
n i'm not gonna tell u either..
so anyways..
it was heavenly..
i was a tomato aft tt...
but luckily only my frends saw..
my poor finger was injured...
all bcos of the netball yesterday during p.e..
it was so terribly pain..
den go bac my mom ask me to put my hand into ice..
n it was freezing..
cos of the plenty lot of ice..
n i had to put it inside for 5 min..
today started out bad..
shall not speak of it..
but it was ok aft all..
i'm so happy today!!
i gtg..
Tuesday, August 16, 2005 @ 7:10 PM
-one word-
my hair is the main prob..
i shall not tok of it..
assembly for once was nice..
the skit by 2e3 was very funny..
but of course the short talk by the principal was boring..
n so was the national thingy..
the fire drill thing was okay..
reshmi performed..
n she screamed..
hope tt today can slp early..
i need to buck up on my studying..
nxt wk common tests..
i'm still slacking away..
watched charlie n the choco fact..
dad bought frm shanghai..
obviously it was pirated..
yeah so the johnny depp guy was so ghostly looking..
too much white stuff..
but the show was quite ok...
ok gtg..
loads to do..
Monday, August 15, 2005 @ 6:53 PM
today was a bad hair day...
so were the days bfore..
dunnoe y...
hair too long..
den i wen tis afternoon to cut my hair...
its too short...
i have no idea wads wrong wif my hair..
shall i juz chop it all off!!
n wear a wig..
den i will have hair which won't grow...
but nvrmind...
life is lyk tt..
juz gotta live wif it..
ok gtg..
mom downstairs..
Friday, August 12, 2005 @ 5:21 PM
today was great!!!
great great great!!!!
its the best day i ever had...
i tink...
skool was great..
except for the lit exam...
i was so tired that i slept aft doing 3 ques...
which was good..
cos wen i wake up i only hav to do 1 more ques..
can't blive i can work so fast..
how amazing..
yeah so unfortunately i woke up at the last few minutes of the test..
n i had to rush through ques 4..
which had a,b,c,d...
so i tink i most probably m going to fail..
cos i juz wrote short ans...
but it in't my first time..
i always do tis wen there i a chinese exam..
always happens...
ok gtg...
wanna watch tv..
Tuesday, August 09, 2005 @ 11:43 AM
i feel so much better...
juz woke up...
sleeping really does make me feel much much better...
today's national day!!
y am i not excited?!!?!
i have nth to tok abt..
Monday, August 08, 2005 @ 1:15 PM
i'm feeling terribly horrible...
i'm caught in the middle..
i feel lyk everything is my fault...
today me didi saf erica n azyan were suppose to watch charlie n the choco factory...
den the queue n GV was xtra xtra long...
den ayzan n didi queue so long..
den the 1pm 2 plus were alreadi full hse..
wen we asked the lady...
den we only hav to take the 3 plus...
but den i cannot go..
cos my parents dun allow...
n azyan father dun allow but her mom does..
so we queued for nth..
n i feel lyk its my fault..
cos if i told dem earlier..
den they cld hav decided to go on their own...
i feel bad...
really bad...
i hav no idea wad the hack is wrong wif my life..
my parents all they tink abt is studies studies n studies...
can't they juz simply let me go out...
i feel lyk s*** now...
i juz wanna leave tis place...
n go to sumwhere much better...
today sucks big time...
so does life...
- no one will ever understand -
Sunday, August 07, 2005 @ 5:06 PM
today wen shopping wif my sis..
it was nice i hav to admit...
she bought lyk 3 pieces of clothes..
n i only bought 1..
n we bought 2 storybks..
den she din bring enough money..
den she borrow my money..
my b'dae money..
but she say she will pay bac..
she better..
finally i found it!!
a pair jeans...
thats nice..
Saturday, August 06, 2005 @ 1:34 PM
yesterday i slept at 3 am...
the latest i ever slept..
cos me, my sis n my maid stayed up until aft midnight watching tis late night show..
called the crow salvation or sumthing lyk tt..
n i was too tired tt i slept while my sis n maid watched it..
den wen the show going to end den i woke up..
so aft the show me n my sis was still not tired..
dunnoe where my sis gets all her energy frm...
den we read until 3..
den wen to sleep..
n i dunnoe y i happen to wake up at 10..
i actually thought i wld sleep until 11 or 12...
yeah so anyway..
for a few days i can wait tv!!
n sleep late!!
but sadly cannot go out..
its always lyk tt..
wenever they r away..
they wun let us out..
xcept for skool..
got used to it..
but sumtyms it can get really frustrating..
oh well...
Friday, August 05, 2005 @ 8:24 PM
today is so great!!!
one of the fantastic days i ever had..
the full dress rehersal was so boring..
but still a little boring..
xcept for the c.o part..
as i din hav the scores..
i cldn't play it..
but luckily the instrument i play can cover my face..
so ppl wun see tt i can't play..
so anyway..
today was great..
wen tm wif erica..
n ate at long johns silver..
n aft we ate..
we were so full..
tt we felt lyk puking..
but it was embarassing to wear a large t-shirt..
cos we had to wear red shirt n jeans..
wait-- did i say tis bfore?!?!
the shirt was big...
real big..
i hav to go buy another one..
yeah ok..
tts it...
the great part is not to b said..
- i'm finally over the moon... -
Thursday, August 04, 2005 @ 4:28 PM
i hav to definately stop slacking..
the common tests r juz arnd the corner..
n i'm still not in the mood for studying..
wad is wrong wif me!!!!!
the maths lesson turned into a chatting session...
some of us were chatting on the computer cos the heymath thingy hav this chatting thing...
yeah so anyways...
for my b'dae party thingy on the 28th of august...
which is lyk 5 days aft my b'dae..
but so sad..
cos the common test is on my b'dae..
den cannot celebrate bfore or on the day itself..
sad thing..
den i decided to go to swensens n celebrate it..
but den those ppl i invited say tt gg to seoul garden is more resonable...
but den i nvr even ate dere bfore..
so if i choose swensens i will b selfish..
but i'm the birthday girl..
n i get to choose where i wanna go..
but den in this case..
i feel bad if i dun agree to go to seoul garden..
n swensens mayb to x for us..
but if i go to seoul garden..
i will b pleasing others...
not myself..
n i may not feel happy..
but den i dunnoe which one i shld choose..
my frends say tt they prefer seoul garden wen i ask dem which one wld they choose..
but den its lyk only me n didi wanna go swensens..
but my frends say tt its my choice cos its my b'dae..
not theirs n its ok to b selfish..
cos i muz b happy on my b'dae...
but den again..
in tis case..
i will feel bad if i dun go to seoul garden..
but den i will feel bad if i go to seoul garden..
i'm so SO SO confused!!!!
i can't make up my mind..
how fickle can i get!?!?!
feel to tired!!
wanna go nap!!
today i bought 8 days..
n dere was a free file with it..
so i wen to happy house dere n get tis really nice wrapping paper..
den wen to wrap the file up..
cos the cover page is lyk totally horrible..
oh yeah!!
thks so much to guan yu..
for giving me 20 bucks for my b'dae present!!
in cash summore!!
man he IS rich!!
actually agreed to gemme THIRTY bucks..
but den if i take the money frm him..
lyk i too greedy or sumthing..
so he gave me 20 bucks..
so amazing man!!
he is so generous..
so grateful to him!!
shall buy him sumthing on his b'dae too!!
oh n hafiz oso..
azyan [nxt year]..
but den i'm suppose to cook for dem swiss roll on my b'dae..
cos robert heard frm other ppl tt i cook nice swiss roll...
or home ec last yr..
i'm so hournored <-- is tt how u spell it?!?!
but is it even nice..
yeah wadeva...
i'm feeling so irritated now!!
summore 2morrow got c.o...
full dress rehersal..
oh man!!
bye bye!~
11:34 AM
- in skool -
maths lesson...
go com lab...
luv it...
feeling so happy today...
much better den yesterday...
today suppose to go to erica's hse..
but den for sure dad won't allow..
so 2morrow i gg..
straight aft skool..
but muz go bac to skool at arnd 2...
for the full dress rehersal for national day..
muz wear red shirt n jeans..
n the red shirt i hav..
is last yr national shirt..
n its big...
lyk xtra large?!?!
n i wear small/medium shirts..
but its ok...
only for 2 days..
so instead of doing wad i'm suppose to do on heymaths..
i'm blogging!!!
muz do work...
bye bye!~
Wednesday, August 03, 2005 @ 2:21 PM
today was terrible!!
really terrible!
i feel terrible too..
life is...
too hard to xplain the details...
no mood..
my brain is not functioning well...
too confused abt i dunnoe wad..
juz can't tink of anything...
juz tt i'm so disappointed n upset!!
my life is a mess!!
~ how cld one b so ignorant...so unpromising...so disappointing...so upsetting... [i was so wrong] ~
Tuesday, August 02, 2005 @ 8:35 PM
today's music exam wen terribly...
the examiner somehow seem to mayb the one i got last yr..
but she's nice..
n i was lyk kinda in a daze wen she asked me whether i was playing grp 1 or grp 2..
apparently i din noe the ans..
so i juz sat dere lyk a fool..
but in the end i guessed tt it was the grp 1..
n i got it right!!
so paiseh!!
the aural was ok..
the sight-reading..
was horrible as usual..
but luckily tis yr...
i din get nervous tt badly..
but i was quite..
but wen i get real nervous..
my hands will b lyk..
yeah so anyway...
the music exam is over!!!
so i won't tok abt it..
today skool was normal..
can't wait for p.e 2morrow..
play netball again...
but i hope can play sumthing else..
sumhow netball may get boring aft a while..
aft tt racial harmony netball games..
i kinda look forward to playing netball..
den i had to fill up 3 forms so i can leave the skool..
den i had to go find ms chan..
me n my friends wen to the stuff room..
she not dere...
den we thinking where she might b...
but in the end..
she was in class..
n in the morning..
mr heng..
embarrass me...
he tok in such a loud voice..
ask me y i nvr go c.o..
den i say tt i got music exam..
den he over dere..
" u muz cum on friday ah! "
he tok lyk he shouting lyk tt!!
project to do..
Monday, August 01, 2005 @ 7:02 PM
got new blogskin!!
my birthday is cuming...
2 weeks n 1 day more..
to my birthday!!
can't wait!!
can't wait!!
today's skool was ok...
nth much to tok abt..
my music exam 2morrow!!!
so fast!!
i'm quite nervous...
make tt very nervous..
but 2morrow i either hav to go to skool or get to stay at home..
n practice the piano..
if i go to skool..
only stay until recess den go home..
but den i dun feel lyk gg to skool..
or mayb i shld go..
i'm so confused!~
ok tts all..
nth much..
wish me luck!~
23 Aug 91
i'm blessed.
I Want to...
travel the world.

rock, indie, alternative, jazz, soul, oldies

All Talk


Designer: audieee-kewgirl♥
Pictures : maesstria.