Sunday, July 31, 2005 @ 3:45 PM
din play role!!
today...was ok...
the performance thingy...
was quite..
i din get to perform..
cos one of my group mate took my role..
i wonder y...
was it bcos tt they thought tt i cldn't do the role??!!!
or was it bcos my group mate wanted to b included...
i felt lyk a fool...
wen i wen into the library n they were dere..
den they told me tt i had to play the role of the person hu juz switch slides..
quite disappointing i muz say...
aft all tt wasted tym of studying the script..
but i din noe how i felt..
quite good..
quite bad...
n quite confused...
good was tt i wld be so nervous..
bad was tt i was stunned n quite disappointed..
confused was tt i hav no idea y they din wan me to play the role..
i hav a bad feeling abt y dey din wan me to play the role..
i tink it has to do wif my constant keep quiet position in the group...
but oh well..
i juz hav to forget abt it..
oh tonight hav F1 racing!!!
wanna watch!!
gg for the ferrari..
michael schumacher..
he's drives real good..
n the F1 ferrari car is so...
but F1 is so nice to watch...
see ya!~
Saturday, July 30, 2005 @ 6:09 PM
i'm so tired...
of everything...
n i juz simply dun understand y my dad is so...
i'm so sick..
of c.o [chinese orchestra ]
so sick of it!
its so boring!
so boring...
tt i'll rather stay in the toilet den go for c.o...
i wanna quit c.o...
but its all bcos of my parents..
they tink tt being in c.o..
can get me into a good jc..
cos i hav piano n my c.o instrument..
den they will wan me..
oh pls!!!
wad crap!!!
i won't even wanna go to a jc wif c.o in it..
it will b worse!
i wanna quit c.o!!!
i wanna quit c.o!!!!
i wanna quit c.o!!!
i wanna quit c.o!!!
i wanna quit c.o!!!!
n join sumthing else!!!
mayb art club..
cos got didi dere...
the other cca sucks..
bsides netball..
but i'm considering netball..
but i wanna quit c.o!!!
i can't stand it any longer!
i juz wish tt my parents wld let me quit c.o!!
i dun see tt it cld benefit me in any way..
other den giving me torture n boredom!!
i can't tolerate c.o for anot 2 years!!
wads the point in doing sumthing u dun lyk..
the cca is suppose the b the STUDENTS CHOICE!!!
NOT..i repeat NOT!!
the parents choice!!!
for goodness sake!!
its not my dad hu is attending the cca...
its ME!!!
i can't tolerate another 2 years or boredom!!!!
it will totally ruin my happy days in secondary school..
but den if i transfer skool..
den i dun need to face another day of torture in c.o..
den i can join sumthing else..
in shss...
but den i dun feel lyk transferring..
all my good frends r in ccss..
but not all..
sum still in shss..
i wanna quit c.o!!!
i shall persever to quit c.o!!
tt's all i wan..
quitting c.o..
is my main intention now!
i shall not wan to face another day in c.o..
pure torture!!
summore muz play for national day!!!
i wanna watch the performance on tt day!!
i dun wanna play on tt day!
i dun even hav the scores for the pieces which hav to b played on tt day!!
: P
i wanna quit c.o!!
c.o is too boring..
too boring
too boring
too boring
too boring
too boring
too boring
too boring
too boring
i dun even belong dere..
everyone is toking chinese dere..
n wen i tok to dem..
english cums out of my mouth..
instead of chinese..
i dun even wan to b in c.o in the first place!
its bcos of my dad...
hu totally FORCED me to join c.o..
n i din wanna make him angry..
cos he got high blood pressure..
den i got NO CHOICE den muz join!
i actually wanted to join choir..
which was oso stupid!
but c.o is worse den choir!
its the WORST cca i EVER JOINED!
the cca is suppose to be MY choice!
but i had NO choice..!!
so frustrating!
happy thing is tt i dun need to go c.o nxt wk..
cos of music xam!
yes!! YES!!!! YES!!!! YES!!!!!
i'm delighted!!!
i wld rather not go to c.o...
n dun hav any cca points!
tts all i hav to say...
[ not in the mood for anything right now...xcept for quitting c.o!! ]
Friday, July 29, 2005 @ 10:10 AM
oh help!!
my music exam is lyk only 3 days away!!!
but on monday only need to go to skool for 2 periods..
den aft recess i go home..
den practice summore..
den go for the exam!!
sadly i have to miss art..
tsk tsk!!
den hav to memorise the script for the sunday performance..
on stage in front of the whole lighthouse..
oh no!!
im kinda scared in front of crowds..
den my memory kinda sucks..
so how can i memorise all my lines..
wad if i forget half way den how!!
i'll b dooooommedd!!
cannot blog for the nxt few days..
cos muz practice n practice..
oh well..
Thursday, July 28, 2005 @ 8:53 PM
today's netball was so nice!!!
its my first tym playing in the racial harmony games..
n with other classes..
so it was great!!
[ i was WA-Wing Attack ]
the match with 2e3 was good...
as in the 2nd half was good..
the 1st half was scary..
i was xtremely nervous..
den wen i do..i get butter-fingers..
wen erica passed me the ball..
i cldn't catch it...
too nervous mah!
but aft tt..
it was all ok!!
we won 2e3...
n the match wif 2e4 was terrible...
the WD [which was suppose to 'guard' me]..
was making me run everywhere..
den she always appear out of no where..
den one tym i was abt to get the ball..
she wen in front of me [suddenly]..
n took it..
fantastic man!
she's kinda good!
2e4 is kinda tough to b..
they always get 1st..
but we improved..
last yr got 3rd..
now we got 2nd!!
it was good..
good game!!
had such a fun tym!!!
got geog hmk to do...
Wednesday, July 27, 2005 @ 6:50 PM
i'm so pissed...
so pissed...
let me use the com oso cannot...
for a while oso cannot...
lyk as if the com is hers..
wanna scream in her face!
so pissed!!!!
pissed off pissed off pissed off pissed off pissed off pissed off pissed off pissed off pissed off!!!!!!!
ok....feel so much better...gotta get it off me!
2morrow is the racial harmony games alreadi...
i'm kinda scared...
oh yeah...
wen for maths remedial...
- wasn't dere -
sad sad...
oh well...
today me didi n erica finally noes how nice a teacher ms wong is....
she is so nice..
cannot b described...
too nice...
so motherly...
she is so caring...
but instead everyone takes advantage of her...
cos of her niceness...
sad thing...
gonna pay attention in her class frm now on..
tuition lata...
oh well..
- wish me luck for 2morrow!!! -
Monday, July 25, 2005 @ 9:15 PM
today is the most mixed up day i ever had...
dun wanna tok abt it....
juz tt the IPW thingy is so terrible...
its lyk my whole grp....
xcept hla hla win [cos we dunnoe how to include her in]
n erica....[cos she got no com]
n didi n me...
so its left wif sharon mostly...
cos i alreadi did my part...
didi com got no xp
den poor sharon has to do the proposal...
n she ask me question....
even i am as clueless as her...
i'm more clueless den her...
den 2morrow muz pass up alreadi leh
sad sad...
feel so sorrie for sharon..
2morrow got NAPFA...
will suffer in incline pull ups...
arms not strong enough...
den aft tt..
got netball -so called- practice...
for abt an hour...
will b beat wen i return bac...
need to help sharon in the project....
stressed out!!
Friday, July 22, 2005 @ 8:36 PM
today was okay...
got nothing much to say...
oh yeah....
juz tt tinking of the netball racial harmony games on thursday scares me...
i'm so not good wif crowds...
i scared lata if sumthing embarrasing happens ir wad...
n if its my fault...
den very paiseh...
den summore everytym play netball during p.e...
i always will step into the semi-circle..
wen i'm not suppose to...
den wad if i nvr catch the ball...
wad if no one passes me the ball....
i'll b standing dere lyk a statue...
enough of worrying...
makes me worse...
muz hav self-esteem...
today can finally watch tong xin yuan...
aft so long...
cos of my dad...
dun let me watch chinese shows..
dunnoe wad he has against dem...
wad we can watch is only educational ones...
lyk japan hour..
on sundays..
which is a total bore...
n star wars video...
which is the nicest thing which he lets us watch...
these few days is so stressful...
summore got music xam cuming up...
nxt wk or sumthing..
n i play horribly...
oh well..
oh yeah oh yeah!!!
got topic to tok abt..
this aftnoon stay bac wif didi n erica...
for IPW project...
which we hav alot to complete...
cos every IPW lesson...
we juz slack dere..
de we told ma hla hla win...
to meet us at the library at 1.30...
so well...
we were late...
cos we were at popular buying stuffs for the project...
den we reach dere dunnoe wad tym...
den she was angry..
but she din say it at first..
but it was quite obvious...
cos she was taking the plasticine...
n smacking it on the table...
den she finally said in chinese..
sumthing lyk..
" how cum u all dun respect me "
wad a question..
den we were lyk saying no...
which was obvious we of course respect her..
den she say...
sumthing lyk..
" den y wen i tok to u u nvr answer me "
den erica was lyk..
" cos i nvr hear "
den she was angry...
den didi ask her to dun cry...
den she say..
" i cried once, n i will not do it again "
[ long story...say lata ]
den she was lyk kinda arguing wif erica...
but luckily erica was smart...
den she was the one hu was laughing the most the whole tym..
den she say tt summore wen she tok to us..
we go tok to other ppl...
kinda weird though..
cos we got tok to her wad..
she lyk not happy wif us lyk tt....
n she added tt we were late...
make her wait...
n waste her tym
den we go n xplain tt we wen to popular to buy stuff...
den she say y cannot ask me to go wif u..
muz we tell her our every move...
its lyk...
frm skool to the fourth level of east point..
den summore muz spend tym choosing the stuff..
den muz walk all the way bac..
izzen it abit too waste tym..
summore we were eating at east point..
so obviously..
since it was more convinent..
we aft eating go buy rite..
n bsides it was a last minute thing..
cos wen we walk outta east point..
we suddeny rmbered to buy the stuff...
how r we possibly suppose to tink of her at the moment..
it was lyk so rush...
juz bcos of tt..
n we nvr tok to her...
she angry wif us...
oh well..
we late....
our fault lah..
but den we go popular muz tell her abit..
den she over dere show temper...
den didi oso wanted to say...
" den hu were the ones hu go n visit u in the hospital while u were sick "
the mastermind was erica..i tink...
but den i ask didi dun tell...
plain stupidity..
oh well..
cos i dinn tink of the consquence...
she will obviously shuddup wen we ask her tt question...
den aft the arguement stopped...
she still not satisfied..
cos didi saw sum girl point middle finger..
which was kinda surprising for her..
den ma hla hla win tink tt we were toking abt her...
can't her facts right...
izzen her name ma hla hla win...
not sum other name rite...
so sensitive..
den summore she say sumthing lyk..
" if i did point the middle finger it not on purpose [ den dunnoe wad alreadi ] "
its lyk...
is she guilty tt she pointed the finger...
if not den y is she saying tt...
not lyk we wana noe or sumthin..
den is lyk aft tt...
we all dun wanna tok to her alreadi..
if not she will say sumthing worse...
den she ask us wad else she muz do..
ask until lyk wad lykk tt...
den wen she wanted to go tt tym..
me n didi say bye to her...
den she was lyk..
" mphm "
in a unhappy manner...
its lyk aft all tt...
we still say bye to her..
den she lyk still so lyk tt...
let bygones be bygones...
den she summore during the arguement..
say tt we dun hav manners n tt we dun respect others..
she dun even noe us...
still wanna make such comments..
she is so attitude the whole tym..
oh n abt the long story..
it was tt last tym she cried in class..
cos sumthing lyk..
the ppl in class tease her..
den she take it too seriously..
n the stress..
den she cry...
ppl joke wif her oso cannot..
she is so serious...
tt tym didi go n play her " lucky charm " on her..
den she go n show didi the face den say..
" titi...wad muz u say "
den didi was lyk
" oh..sorrie "
lyk tt only...
too serious...
den wad if nxt tym...
ppl go joke joke wif her say..
" go n die lah "
den wad will happen to her...
she cannot take jokes one...
too serious oso not good...
oh well...
she dunnoe how to loosen up....
dun wanna tok anymore abt it...
Thursday, July 21, 2005 @ 7:13 PM
oh help!
today's chinese test was so horrifiying...
i was lyk the last one to finish the test..
luckily wif reshmi's paper...
i was able to get one word...
n wif teacher's help...
i got another..
but my compre sucks..
n i was falling asleep half way through the paper..
as usual...
i have no idea how to stay awake for a chinese paper..
den wen i woke up..
i can to rush through the paper...
tsk tsk...
today's xcursion to s'pore poly...
was boring....
so boring...
the treasure hunt...
wasn't even lyk a treasure hunt...
it was more lyk touring the place...
n buying food to eat...
the mcdonald's over dere is so cheap....
den we came bac to skool lyk 6 plus arnd dere...
den wen to eat ice cream..
me n didi ate mint choco chips...[ our fave ]
n feli azyan n saf ate choco...
den we were lyk walking arnd east point until we finish eating the ice cream..
today was so boring....
kinda boring....
:) many many tyms....
but den it was a sad thing...
aft the briefing...
saw sumone flirt wif **********
* SiGh*
oh well...
den during the briefing....
its lyk the lady wanted to choose sumone frm our skool the row dere...
den SHE go n shout out the answer to the ques...
den its lyk aft tt..
the ppl hu noe her...
go n shout her name...
more lyk chant her name..
n she was lyk shy shy dun wanna go up...
den aft tt they call on sumone else..
den she is lyk keep on shouting out the answer...
got opportunity dun wanna grab...
wait until everyone call on sumone else den wan to answer..
i feel lyk so horrible now....
my mouth...
my mouth....
my mouth...
my mouth...
i feel lyk taking a needle...
n sew up my mouth...
not gonna xplain in detail y...
so sad...
dunnoe wad happened to my mouth...
wanna sew it up...
den i shall not tok crap the whole tym...
i'll shall not tok abt it anymore...
makes my mood go bad...
2morrow got geog test....
* SiGh *
Tuesday, July 19, 2005 @ 10:03 PM
the 2 ' toddlers ' strikes again..
this tym pulling ppl's hair...
n shirt...
n even skirt...
it was the usual tym which they attack..
[ after recess assembly ]
this tym there was one more victim..
Ma Hla Hla Win...
feel so sorry for her...
she was struggling..
trying to get out of their reach..
as they were pulling her hair..
but she seemed to enjoy having fun with the 'kids'..
her loss....
wonder whether dere were strands of hair left bhind the scene...
they attacked me to...
oh well...
surprise surprise...
tis tym..
each pulled my tucked our shirt...
n the other my skirt...
new hobby of theirs...
they were with their usual laugh...
the horrible shrieking laugh of the hyena...
oh well...
wonder wads nxt...
yesterday was PERFECT!!!
perfect perfect perfect!!!
the day was glorious...
:) :)
many tyms...
so happy!!!
it was a fantastic fantastic day!!!
wan it to b rewinded...
the car summore in front of mine...
ms tok came bac..
she had chest probs...
sad thing...
i suddenly feel so sorry for her..
esp. wen she takes a deeeep breath..
den starts toking again...
how sad...
no wonder she nvr cum for 1 wk...
den wen she cum bac..
she nvr teach us for 1 lesson..
oh man!!
stress again!!!
this tym..
got 3 BIG things...
eng project..hand in on Thurs
chinese test....on Thurs..
which i CANNOT fail...
or i tink i'll b gg to CLB...
i tink my dad already noes my chinese is so horrible..
cos he ask me to read sum words..
n i dunnoe how to..
n IPW project...on Tues [ nxt wk ]
oh man!!!
n my grp the IPW project..
is lyk so behind tym..
we even hav no clue wad a proposal is abt...
or how to write it...
din go c.o 2day...
cos need to cum home n study..
tons of work to do...
Friday, July 15, 2005 @ 2:32 PM
today...was cool
not so bad..
:) so many tyms...
n the other one too!!
so happy...
summore aft skool...
at the guides board..
it was :) :)...
so happy!!
oh yah..
den aft skool..
me didi erica saf n azyan...
wen to hang out in east point..
but realised tt we were juz walking aimlessly...
den we wen to tampines mall..
we juz walk here n dere...
spend more tym in happy house...
n times bookstore..
we oso met shannon woan ching n lorrane..
dey were eating at long johns silver..
den me n didi wen to take free fries frm dem...
i bought a voda voda bottle..
me n didi both buy...
hav no idea y its so interesting..
oh well..
i'm so terribly bored here..
wanna rewind to the part at the guides board dere...
it was so nice!!!
double double!!
dad cuming bac at night...
so tt means cannot sleep early anymore..
sad sad...
den muz study very hard...
cannot slack anymore..
oh well...
Thursday, July 14, 2005 @ 2:43 PM
today was good!!!!!
got free period for science AGAIN!!!
wonder how long will tt ms tok b sick until...
hope tt she's on course...
den will hav another nicer teacher...
i'm not angry wif the 2 girls anymore...
during the science period...
the relief teacher..
[ hu looks lyk guan yu ]
let us watch tis olympic show...
its lyk on how the olympic ppl train n stuff...
but it was kinda boring aft a while..
den i slept...
but got woken up by didi n azyan playing wif my hair...
oh yeah...
den wen the relief teacher came into our class...
tt GIRL go n say..
" cher...u look lyk guan yu leh.."
den the teacher say...
" den wad do u look lyk?"
den chun kit was so smart...
go n say..
" lyk a pig!!!!"
den everyone started laughing...
its so true loh...
SHE DOES look lyk a pig...
oh well..
she has been down on luck...
these few days..
everyone keep on making fun of her..
too bad!
ms chan did the most!!!
den today oso got..
hu ask her..
tsk tsk!
but she deserved it anyway...
den everytym aft they go n tease her..
n everyone laughed...
she shut up...
for a while..
good good!!!
she muz b so paiseh!!!
hu ask her make fun of ppl everytym...
now ppl make fun of her..
she paiseh!!!!
serves her right!!!
i talk too much abt her..
muz stop muz stop...
change topic...
i hav simply nth to talk abt..
i'm gonna hav lunch...
Wednesday, July 13, 2005 @ 4:17 PM
wad a day today was...
first rite...
in the early mornin...
i saw :)...
den during recess!!!!
i saw :)!!!!!
so good leh!!!!
the thing is aft recess...
those 2 childish irritating girls...
r so..
the first tym dey started irritating me was on the fire drill day..
erica was dere...
she wasn't the victim but she can oso feel tt its so irritating...
cos we were suppose to sit at the field..
den they so happen to sit bside me...
[ sad thing ]..
den their itchy hands go n pluck the grass...
n throw at me...
n its lyk....
under the hot sun....
i juz simply can't b bothered wif dem...
dun wanna play along....
den its lyk one of dem kept on tickling me wif the grass....
its lyk so terribly irritating..
den finally tt mr nahar go n say tt we can go bac to our classes...
so relieved tt i can leave those 2 retardies!!!
den today is lyk so equally frustrating..
cos they we walking bhind me...
aft the recess assembly...
den those 2 girls we lyk...
go n pull my bra strip...
lyk OMGOSH!!!!!
r they juz too itchy tt scratching won't do the job!!!
den its lyk they summore tink tt its funny...
oh please!!!!!!
they gotta b nuts man!!!
summore they laugh lyk hyenas summore...
so irritating...
den they oso go n step on my shoe...
how frustrating...
imagine 2 ppl stepping on ur shoe n pulling ur bra strip...
n they oso tink tt its funny...
they muz hav the childishness of a 5 year old...
oh no...
a 5 year old dun even do stuff lyk tt...
they muz b worse...
is pulling ppl's bra strip so fansinating?!?!?
wad so fansinating abt it anyway...
dun they oso wear wad i wear!?!?!
unless theirs is lyk super super stuck to their skin...
den cannot pull...
no wonder they resort to pulling other ppl's one...
i can't help but feel angry wif dem...
cos they irritated me 2!2!2!2!2!2!2! tyms...
which i totally cannot stand it anymore...
oh den aft skool...
i wen to purposely pull one of theirs...
which is quite stupid...
but i was so angry wif dem...
so can't b helped...
den she ask me to watch out!!!
i'm scared!!
wad is she gonna go wif me nxt...
pull my bra strip again...
collect grasses n throw dem at me...
step on my shoe...
tickle me...
make hyena laughs in my face...
making tt "klick klick" sound in my ear...
or sumthing else..
i so can't b bothered...
n did she not have enough of making me irritated...
i only pull it lyk...
n they pull it so many tyms..
still wanna do summore...
oh well...
i'll juz take it as their hands have tis itching dieseas...
which can't b cured...
but the itching can stop for a while...
if they pull sumone's bra strip...
or throw grass at dem..
oh well...
how pathetic anyway...
i shall not waste my energy on getting bac at dem nxt tym..
they're so not worth it...
let it out...
makes it feel much much better!!!
lata got tuition...
oh no!!!!
oh well...
n nap..
if not i'll b dozing off during tuition...
den will paiseh...
Sunday, July 10, 2005 @ 8:40 PM
my chinese sucks to the core!!
oh man!!!
wad if i fail again for my next test!!
oh no!!!
i shall not talk abt failing..
i'll pass!! i'll pass!! i'll pass!!!
muz have confidence!!
i'll pass!! i'll pass!! i'll pas!!
i'll pass...
hopefully :P
ok today is so..
-one word-
i dread boring days...
can't life be..
boringness sucks...
oh well..
life is lyk tt...
not a bed of roses...
but sumtyms obviously u will wish tt it was...
at last..
i finished all my hmk..
except for chinese...
which is incomplete...
obviously cos i dunnoe how to do...
i simply hav lyk zero interest in chinese..
but no choice..
muz do...
i shall not talk abt chinese for now...
makes me feel...
*sratch head*
i have lyk simply nothing to talk abt...
oh oh!!
i found something to talk abt...
my sis juz came bac...
shopping wif my mother..
how extremely unfair!!
my mother wen to taka wif her...
to buy...
i actually wanted to go...
but she said...
cos i need to go bac n study my chinese!!!
chinese again!!!
n i already had enough of the stuff..
so i need not buy..
how unfair...
can't i juz go shopping wif dem..
even if i dun need to buy anything...
so my sis came bac...
wif a swimming costume...
n her stuff...
i was kinda jealous seeing all tt...
its juz so unfair!!!
i can't go shopping...
n i need a swimming costume..
my current one is lyk...
becuming saggy...
y is life so unfair!!!
i need clothes..
cos all my clothes r...
the same...
always the same...
i need clothes....
life is so unfair!!!
oh wadeva...
i'm off...
to fill my -always empty- stomach....
dere muz b sum worm living inside..
eating up all my food i ate...
my mother actually thought tt dere was really..
a worm inside my tummy..
n brought me to the doctor...
but the doc said tt he can bet tt dere isen on in my tummy..
oh well..
its actually bcos..
i eat alot...
n i'm still so...
oh well...
off i go...
23 Aug 91
i'm blessed.
I Want to...
travel the world.

rock, indie, alternative, jazz, soul, oldies

All Talk


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Pictures : maesstria.