Wednesday, June 29, 2005 @ 9:50 PM
YES!!!!!! today is lyk so good so good so good so good so good so good so good so good so good so good so good so good so good so good so good so good!!!
actually i din mean to skip it...
it was juz tt wen my father signed up..
i tink the lady was lyk too tired or nvr open ur ears wider...
she go n register me to sec 1 chinese...
den she say tt the tuition was on thursdays...
so i din noe tt today got tuition for sec 2...
so i din go!!!!
i'm so terribly happy!!!!
today oso stay in skool until 8pm i tink...
which was so nice...
den ms chan keep on saying tt if i wasn't helping i shld go home...
cos i was lyk lazing arnd in the com lab..
cos i dunnoe wad to do...
n i dun tink anyone needs my help...
but den in the end still got help...
den 2morrow i tink will stay bac even lata...
cos on friday is the lyk the excel fest areadi....
den got not history 2morrow..yah!!!!
cos we need to complete the stuff...
den summore bill gates cuming...
den wad if i need to explain to him abt my grp's project..
den lata cum out of my mouth all the singlish...
den for sure get scolding frm ms chan...
den i'll make a fool out of myself..
ok...i shall not say more...
n the excel fest is not even here yet...
n i'm thinking all these stuff...
wad is wrong wif me!?!??!
but the thing i need to worry abt...
is abt the 2 projects i need to do..
the maths n geog project..!!
the geog on is the worse...
but den the maths one if i dun finish...
den lata i will let my grp down...
den summore nvr finish the art thingy yet...
n i need to return didi her oil pastels...
oh gosh!!!!
i hav lyk so much to do...
so little tym..!!!
n its lyk gg to 10pm now...n i need sleep...
can i juz take the tym n wind it backwords!!!
n sleep early...
Tuesday, June 28, 2005 @ 8:36 PM
today was one day...
but it was quite fun...
so was the first day of skool...
so amazing...
today gotta stay bac until 6 sumthing in skool...
cos of tis MOE excel project thingy...
2morrow got briefing of it...
luckily we can choose the day we wan to go on...
if not cannot go for the party...
its tis SECDC party thing..
hopefully it will b fun...
2day i saw _____....
it was so...
oh yeah...
yesterday rite...
me didi saf azyan n erica...
wen to KFC....
den we kinda finished out food...
n SHE came in..
luckily we finished our food..
if not i dun tink we will hav any appetite to eat more...
den she was wif her usual gang...
n her frends wanted to sit bside us...
cos the table was bigger..
den she saw us...
n i dunnoe y...
she din wanna sit dere...
she wanted to sit at another table..
which was smaller...
i mean lyk..
if she isen scared of us or anything...
y does she dun wanna sit bside us?!?!?
is dere sumthing wrong wif us?!?!?
i dun tink so...
mayb she's the one wif the prob...
den today she was flirting...
as usual...
wif these malay boys...
n toking so loudly...
as usual...
to attract attention...
as usual....
how irritating...
den me n sharon were lyk LOOK at each other...
i lyk so cannot stand her anymore...
seeing her one more day...
is lyk a mosquito buzzing at ur ear....
or mayb its worse...
ok enough abt her...
today for lunch me erica didi robert saf azyan n guan yu...
wen to eat wif ms chan...
she wanted to eat wif us...
so we wen to eat kebab...
n wen i finish take the kebab n stuff..
i drop my money...
n at the same tym..
didi told me tt ms chan was saying how feminine she was..
n juz at tt moment drop my money...
so i lyk ran aft it...
making a fool of myself...
cos i was lyk making noises while getting it...
den she saw...
n she said tt i was the opposite of her...
oh well....
but eating wif her quite fun...
den at the end of eating...
i was laughing..
lyk mad...
n i dunnoe y...
den i laugh n laugh...
n she was lyk i'm so scared of serene...
2morrow muz wake up early again....
cos my dad not in s'pore...
den summore got chinese..
n science..
which is lyk so terribly boring...
oh well..
got lyk tis chinese project i haven even do finish...
Wednesday, June 22, 2005 @ 10:38 PM
i'm back from malaysia...
how sad...
why does tym hav to pass so fast....
it was lyk a few days ago..
i was at the checkpoint...
den now i'm at home..
the first day in malaysia...
was lyk nothing much...
juz sleep in the car..
den play sum games...
the second day...
in the morning..
we cooked breakfast...
so fun..
den we slept on the floor...
n the aircon was freezing cold...
n now my lips r lyk so terribly terribly red...
n the sides r lyk so dry...
so horrible...
oh yeah..
the 2nd day..
juz shop until evening..
den cook dinner..
cos me n my cousins..
r lyk so lazy to go out n eat..
prefer to cook...
more fun...
den the 3rd day...
is lyk bfore lunch..
we hav to head bac to s'pore alreadi...
i din get to buy lyk anything...
only 3 keychains...
for 10 rmb...
but the whole trip was so xtremely fun...
den we ate at tis food court for lunch...
which is lyk arnd the highway...
n dere r lyk zillions of houseflies...
flying here n dere...
den i saw the place where they place the food...
although it is lyk closed up with those kinda nets arnd it...
dere was still houseflies inside..
n the sight of it...
was so unappetising..
but den in the end..
feeling hungry...
so hav to eat...
den cum bac...
stay at vicki's hse for a nite...
den now..
i'm back..
but den tis saturday go to malaysia again....
which is fantastic...
it is lyk tis so called 'excursion' my mother's company thing...
can go dere n buy more things again....
ok gtg...
feeling so beat..
Friday, June 17, 2005 @ 9:08 AM
YES!! tomorrow we're gg to malaysia..
can't wait!!
but muz wake up at 5am 2morrow..
so early...
but its okay..
the thing is..
i muz get through the boring tuition at nite..
oh well..
lata muz start packing..!!
but actually i tink i'm packing quite alot..
betta pack early..
cos lata my mom will nag if i pack too much...
yesterday she was giving me a leture on wad i shld bring...
hav i not grown up yet?!?!
Thursday, June 16, 2005 @ 9:36 AM
i'm so terribly xcitied for saturday...
cos i'm gg to malaysia wif my cousins!!!
nvr go dere for lyk so long xcited...
but the prob is lyk my dad dun wanna change the chinese tuition tym...
n its lyk my cousins hav to change the tym they r gg to lyk 8..
all b bcos i cannot go dere on friday....
feel so pie seh....
oh well....
dun feel lyk writing anymore....
Wednesday, June 08, 2005 @ 1:20 PM
came back frm cousins hse on sunday...
juz now wen to skool nvr do anything..
so little ppl cum only...
so i juz go home..
cos i was kinda sick...
wif running nose...
but the teacher oso nvr take attendance or wad..
she oso dun even realise tt most of the boys escape...
wen to wild wild wet on saturday..
so fun...
but den got suntan until my body sum white sum black...
but it was fun..
too bad nvr sit the ular lar...
n the sky rider...
but the slide up was so cool!!
the coolest i've ever sat...
it was so fun so fun so fun so fun so fun so fun so fun!!!!!
n the shiok river was so....
n we dun need to pay for the floats...
so its lyk the whole river was filled wif floats....
yeah so anyway..
we wen to the wave pool...
n the wave was lyk so nice...
but den i kept on slipping of the float...
so muz keep on getting up...
den aft tt my arms were lyk so tired....
yeah den the purple n yellow slides..
made my butt so pain...
cos it was lyk half way u will juz stop at the slides..
mayb not enough water or sumthing..
den wen i push myself..
my butt was pain of all tt pushing..
so grateful to my auntie n cousins..for bringing me dere...
so now my cousins here...
have more fun...
parents gg to cum bac soon..
freedom no more...
den oso cannot watch anymore tv..
so hungry alreadi...
bye bye!~
Friday, June 03, 2005 @ 11:42 AM
yah!!! now at my cousins hse...
at last....tis day has cum....
yes!!! finally the camp is over..
but it was lyk kinda xciting yesterday...
got celebrities over dere...
lyk maia lee, carla, n kim walkerman...
den lyk me didi n reshmi trying to take photo wif dem...
but too bad...
we lyk totally missed all our chances...
the closest me n didi got to carla was in the toilet..
n it was lyk the dumbest thing..
we wen into the toilet laughing lyk hayenas..
den we were lyk so retarded...
we wen into the toilet..
n den i wen into the cubicle...
den cos dere was sumthing wrong wif the toilet paper holder..
den we started laughing abt it...
dunnoe y..
den we lyk heard tis bell linging...
but din say anything...
cos we thought it was lyk sumone frm the camp..
wen i came out...
i saw carla...
n didi was lyk juz standing dere...
den she saw me...
den i quickly wash my hands..
n we juz rushed out...
but she walked so fast..
we only got to take her back...
den aft the camp..
me didi n reshmi wen to popular..
den wen we came out..
maia was dere..
n reshmi was the 1st to notice it...
den she juz blurt out "bye maia"
n ppl were lyk looking..
yeah den we oso said bye to her..
den aft tt we turned arnd..
den i tink ppl heard reshmi...
cos her voice is lyk so loud..
den they were lyk looking...
so aft tt incident..
we all started laughing abt it...
bcos we wen for the camp..
we skipped chinese oral xam...
actually we called ms chan the day bfore..
n asked her to ask the chinese teacher to postpone it..
den she say ok...
n most probably we can take it wen skool reopens...
den in the morning...
wen i was waiting for reshmi to cum...
she called me n asked whether i was at the camp...
bcos i din noe wad she was gg to tok abt..
i said i was at tampines mrt station...
den she ask me go tell everyone to go for the camp..
wen reshmi came..
both of us were standing at the entrance where u tap ur card...
thinking whether we shld go anot..
so in the end...
we decided not...
den we called ms chan lyk so many tyms..
m even sms her..
but in the end..
she still haven't call...
den wad is a handphone for...
if u dun even bother to ans it...
tts all...
buaiz buaiz!~
Wednesday, June 01, 2005 @ 8:30 PM the camp...was lyk kinda boring...
but not as boring as i expected...
but the thing is camps r suppose to be fun...
but tis camp is lyk stressing us...
bcos we nvr go for the briefing..
tts y we nvr get the hang ten shirt...
cos everyone hu joins the camp muz participate in the national day t-shirt competition...
den its lyk we muz waste money on the fabric pen...
which is lyk abt $3 for 1!!!
so ex!!!
den i oso dunnoe wad to draw on the shirt...
we had to go everywhere to find the pen...a cheap one..
so we wen to payah lebar...cos the camp is lyk at the s'pore post office..
so anyway..
we wen to payah lebar n saw the pen...but we were so dumb..
to tink tt other places may sell more varieties..
so we wne to tampines popular..
but dun hav white colour which is lyk the colour jie yu has been looking for...
so we decided to go to simei...
so waste of tym..
if we were cleverer we wld hav got it at payah lebar popular...
so reshmi at first wana go..
but in the end she dun wan...
so onli me n jie yu..
den by the tym we go home..
its lyk gg to 8 alreadi..
so late..
den its lyk we got so little hours to finish the shirt...
so bloody frustrating...
den bcos i'm shy...
i din tok much wen my grp members were toking abt the camp n stuff....
n they were lyk contributing in all the stuff we were suppose to do for the camp..
yeah so i was lyk juz sitting dere doing nth..
saying nth actually..
n the place is lyk so freakin cold..
den summore 2morrow the celebrities cuming..
n i hav no idea wad to wear..
cos the guy was lyk muz wear nice nice...n put makeup!!! gosh!!!
den summore 2morrow we r dancing...BALLET!!!!!
oh mann!! can't they juz think of other stuff to do other den ballet!!!
how r we gonna dance it...
on tv summore i tink...
which will b lyk so embarrassing...wad if we lyk slip or fall..
n summore muz act..
which will b horrible..
i dun lyk acting in front of so many ppl...
man..n summore the media!!!!
oh help!!!!!!!!
mayb i shld juz fake tt i'm sick...
as long as to safe my face 2morrow..
n get bac to doing the shirt...
haven even eat yet...
so much to do...
so little tym....
buaiz buaiz!~
23 Aug 91
i'm blessed.
I Want to...
travel the world.

rock, indie, alternative, jazz, soul, oldies

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Designer: audieee-kewgirl♥
Pictures : maesstria.