Monday, May 30, 2005 @ 2:36 PM
today was so...
today had oral...which sux...
den aft tt...suppose to wait for reshmi..
n go for camp briefing..
but aft waiting for her for lyk over an hour...
reshmi wen for CCA!!!
so its lyk all wasted...
wasting tym onli...
den wen me n didi go ask ms chan where is SECDC [which is the place for the camp]...
she juz say she dunnoe..
in the end..
we din go for the briefing..
cos it was lyk alreadi 11 sumthing...
den we dun even noe where the place is..
so is lyk me, didi n jie yu so lazy dun wana go for the camp alreadi..
n we dun even noe where the place is...
so i go sms ms chan...
den she say she will b calling the person or sumthing...
n let me noe..
den in the end..
she call me..
n said tt the place was South East CDC...
lyk DUH i noe...
den she ask me go find the place myself on the net!!
y can't she juz go n find the place herself...
or ask the principal to find...
they were the ones hu asked us to go...
can't the skool juz hire a van to bring us dere or sumthing...
the skool is juz so cheapskate...
its juz 6 of us..
n they muz ask us to find our way dere...
how cheapskate can they get...
can afford 2 security guards...
can't afford transport..
let alone toilet paper!!
wad a skool!!
today skip c.o..:P
to boring alreadi...
yesterday was lyk boredom ova dere...
so decided not to go today...
2morrow summore got camp...sianz..
muz go early...
to find tt place.
oh well....wad more can i say..
Sunday, May 29, 2005 @ 10:28 PM
today is juz my special day!!
i'm so happy!!
mostly bcos my father allowed me to go to my cousins hse for 3 days!!
which is kinda hard to blive..
cos he blaffed me tt i wasn't allowed..
den aft toking to my aunt..
den he said tt he still did not allow..
den bfore he wen wif my mom to the airport..
he said tt i cld go...
the same old dad..
alwaes blaffing ppl..
den giving dem surprises...
but tt was one good surprise..
n he made me blived him..
cos i mostly will catch him blaffing...
yeah but anyway...
i can't wait for friday..
but i can't go wif didi..azyan they all..
to wild wild wet!!!
wana go dere again!!
den i oso cannot go to mimi's [didi's sis] b'dae party..
den oso cannot go shopping wif didi..
but deres still end of year..
aiyah my sis ah wana go out..
den she ask me go lie for her wen my parents call bac...
but den how!??!
aft her Os den she go out until bfore dinner..
wad muz i say??
tt she in the toilet having constipation?!?
oh yeah hor..
i got c.o 2morrow until 5.30..
den cannot watch the first part of my love my home..
so lazy to go for c.o...
den tues got camp briefing..
me didi n even ms chan oso dunnoe where is SECDC..
den how to go...
den summore got chinese n eng oral...
which sux..
esp for the chinese oral...
i can't even pronounce chinese words properly..
den the camp is on wed n thurs...
actually not looking forward to it anymore..
cos it seems kinda boring aft reading all tt stuff on the camp..
but the only weird thing is tt..
there is tea break wif CELEBRITY!!
means i'm gona see sumone frm mediacorp...
wonder hu...
jeanette aw...
fiona xie...
li lin...
i gtg...
dunnoe wad else to write..
Saturday, May 28, 2005 @ 9:51 PM
i'm feeling so miserable!!
why muz life b lyk tt..
for the nxt 2 weeks my parents r gg overseas..
so i thought i can go to church..
den aft tt go out wif didi..
but den my parents juz wun allow me to go anywhere..
even church!!
how frustrating!!!!
n i hav to stay at home...
all day..
so boring...
wad i do at home...
other den i can use the com...
i asked whether can watch tv..
n he said..
but only NEWS!!
xcuse me!!
i dun even enjoy watching news..
unless they hav sum xciting stuff to tok abt..
its so horrible!!
if i can't even go out..
other den to camp n cca..
den i'll juz b at home..doing nth!!
n tts total bore-ness!!
den i can't go out n enjoy myself!!
den summore the wk aft my parents cum bac...
i'm gona hav tuition..
tuition on the hols!!
i dread hate loathe dislike tuition!!
especially wen its CHINESE!!
i'm gona hav CHINESE tuition..
oh great!!
first i'm nt allowed to go out...
den now i hav tuition...
wads nxt!?!?!
oh man...
y can't they juz losen up..
n gemme sum freedom..
it isen gona need alota energy rite..
its the hols..
can't they losen up!!!
i lyk did quite well for my xams alreadi..
arent they even satisfied!!!!
yeah so anyways..
i'll b juz so ever bored..
for 2 whole weeks...
unless they allow me go stay ova nite at cousins hse..
which i dun actually tink they will..
cos juz now vicki [my cousin] called..
n asked wen i got skool n stuff..
cos she wana ask her parents to ask my parents..
whether can stay ova at their hse..
which is lyk a thing which we will do during the hols..
either she cum my hse or i go her hse..
den stay ova nite..
n in the aftnoon can go n rollerblade...
its b juz so fun...
but i tink it'll b kinda impossible..
tt my parents will allow me to go stay ova at their hse...
yeah so anyways...
abt tis aftnoon..
it was fun gg for music tuition..
cos my music tutor..
has a dog..
n i can go play wif it..
but juz tt today i cld even help out dry the dog aft it bathe..
it was cool..
the dog even licked my leg..
the dog was sooooo adorable...
how i wish i wld hav a dog..
but my dad juz wun...
tts all..
buaiz buaiz!~
Friday, May 27, 2005 @ 4:57 PM
so last day of skool!!
finally the hols hav cum...yah!!
haiyah but still got tt lazi to go for c.o..
c.o oso abit boring...
actually sumtyms.very boring...wana change cca....
but as usual loh..parents dun allow..
today the CIP quite fun...
we collected quite alot..but nt as much as last yr..
den oso rite the ppl as usual so rude..
i was lyk wif didi knocking on tis door...
den wen the person open the door...den i open my mouth to speak..
she go n cut me off by shaking her head..
i mean can't she juz listen to wad i hav to say...
so rude!!
so wad if she knew wad i was gonna say...
can't she juz b polite enough to sickening...
den sum ppl juz wun open the door..
i mean its juz newspaper collection rite..nt lyk we gonna rob u...
but got sum ppl really give us alot..
tis guy he give us lyk so many books n newspaper..
den got tis couple...
they got alota newspaper..
but the thing is the way they give us the newspaper is so frustrating..
the lady go n take frm the store rm...
all the crumpled newspaper...
den she go n leave it on the floor for us to take..
she was lyk throwing all the crumpled newspaper at the doorstep...
den we hav to go bend down n put the newspaper nicely..
so it wld b easier to carry..
n she wun even lend a helping hand..
she juz walked away aft leaving the newspaper bhind...
den the guy was juz sitting ova dere watching tv..
n we were on the floor gathering all the newspaper up...
yeah ok...den aft all tt collection...
den go hall collect report bk...
i got 12 n class..
n 26 n level..:D
which means tt i can go 3e1...
so happy...
but i wanna transfer skool...
wanted to transfer for lyk so long alreadi...
but bcos my results sux...
so cannot...
aiyah i really regret coming into tis skool..
tt tym i was dere in shss...
wif the transfer form..
but den i was dumb enough to nt fill it in..
i dunnoe wad i was thinking...
how dumb of me...
but wad is done cannot b undone...
so nvrmind lah...
Wednesday, May 25, 2005 @ 10:01 PM
finally the com came bac aft 2 days...
wen for servicing again...cos of tis line on the screen...
yeah so anyway...yesterday n todays xcursion...
was a total BORE!!!
let me repeat...a TOTAL was lyk boredom....
the fort canning one was at least betta den todays changi airport...
yesteday was all the climbing up n down..
den those ppl in front...
dunnoe where they r gg...den in the end go wrong place...
muz walk bac...
so tiring...den summore ms chan can't even let us buy drink...
until the last station den can...
everyone was lyk so thristy...
den wen we walk past the vending machine...
she was standing dere guarding it...haiz..
yeah so tt was yesterday...
today one was even worse...on top of tt i was lyk so moody..
den its lyk my grp no one wanna do the ques...
even sharon as the leader oso give up...
so luckily syaz was dere to help..
den in the end the last station...she oso too lazi to do anymore...
so today was so horrible...
probably the most horrible day ever...
even erica n didi tease me abt me being a bamboo i oso angry..
i was lyk used to this kinda stuff...
but bcos i was moody..i of course angry mah...
but actually it is oso quite irritating to b called a bamboo...
n other stuff...
kinda insulting wad if i'm skinny...
its okay rite...
at least betta den being fat [no offense to the fat ppl]...
so i dunnnoe y ppl juz can't stop toking abt ppl being skinny...
but if its teasing den its okay...
gtg...n sleep...
eyelids gonna close soon...
8:51 PM
hey!! now in skool...maths period...
how kind of ms wong to let us go into the com lab..
actually she is very nice..
but ppl take her for granted cos she is very very nice...
anyways....skool was quite fun today...
saw so many tyms...
how lovely..
got maths project to do during the hols...haiz...
grp wif panda, guanies, n didi...
they r so gona take the craziness outta me n didi...:P
so beware...hee hee hee :D
i feel so delighted now...
having the tym of my happy..:)
haiyoh skool com so pathetic..
juz now ah resh was annyoed wif the com...
cos cannot go into friendster..
den she go say "wha budget leh u noe tt.."
the skool can afford 2..TWO security guards...
which is lyk kinda unnessasary...
juz only see whether students got wear proper skool uniform n stuff...
lyk the teacher got no eyes or wad...
yeah ok gtg...
tis com is lyk gona restart or sumthing...
how irritating...
this skool so needs upgrading of the coms...
Sunday, May 22, 2005 @ 7:46 PM
yipee!! i'm so happy today can go cycling wif my cousins!!
yesterday go watch star wars episode 3...
the show is lyk so cool...
so wonderful...but inside the cold...
i sit down cuddling my bag n my mum' freezing...
aiyah i'm feel so full of regret...
my frinch looks lyk so bad....y r my hands so bloody itchy...:(
2morrow go to fort canning....can't wait can't wait...
but for now can go east coast n great!..
thought my parents will lyk dun allow...but my dad juz said okay!...yah!!
ok......muz go n practise piano bfore go cycling...haiz...
if nt my parents will nt allow...
Friday, May 20, 2005 @ 4:07 PM
heyy!! today wen to cut hair wif eric n didi...but nt so short....
its lyk last tym but frinch so short...
but anyway...
in the morning wake up so early.... tired...
wanna go sleep lata...
so juz nw the hairdresser was toking to me while cutting my hair...
she tout i was phillipino..lyk eric...
den she say tt i look lyk malay...
but its common...
cos even in c.o ppl oso say i look lyk malay...
actually cos i dun tok chinese in c.o...
so mayb ppl tout i malay...
but i dun even tink tt i look lyk one...
den summore tt tym i go 77th street...
the lady say tt i'm malay...but muz b darker abit den look more lyk one...
even didi tout tt my name was 'sri' on the 1st day of skool...:D
wha nxt week will b so fun...
tues go fort canning dunnoe do wad....ova dere lyk so full on insects...
hope tt it'll b fun...last tym go nth to do...
den wed go changi airport for maths trail or izzit science trail?!?!...
anyway...on fri got CIP muz collect newspaper....
go frm block to block keep on knocking on ppl hse...
den we oso forget wad hse we knock on...
den the ppl so hot-tempered...
sum oso dun wanna give newspaper...summore say tt they got no newpaper...
wen actuallie dere is lyk one whole big stack of newspaper on the table...
can't dey juz make things easier n pass us the unwanted newspaper...
den make their hse look lyk a rubbish bin...
i'm so looking forward to the hols...
n the camp...
n nxt week juz luv xucrsions...
at least betta den staying the classrm...
so boring...

Thursday, May 19, 2005 @ 3:02 PM
[[*HaPpY b'DaE aH rEsH*]]
i'm so delighted today...
wad a good day...ahh...
so in the morning...i wen to skool early...
cos my dad had to go to thailand...
so he brought me to skool eaerly by taxi..
i wen to skool den sharon ask me follow her to cheers..
to buy i said ok...
den we wen dere it was lyk 7.10 arnd dere...
so go buy den wen we walk bac...
we heard the national athem play...
so sharon thought we were late but i thought..
that it was juz music the skool play in the morning...
but true enough..
we were late...
but nt juz us...alot more ppl...n realli alot..
so we had to sit at the foyer aas usual..
nt my first tym 3rd tym actuallie..
so the ppl hu nvr bring story bk n stuff..
oso wen to the foyer...
so i dunnoe y the skool bell ring so early today...
nt happy wif the amount of ppl gg for detention...:P
so i was lyk quite angry for myself for gg along wif sharon..
but i dun blame sharon for draging me wif her...
juz kinda feel stupid to follow...nvmind..
yeah so dere was lyk too mani ppl to go for detention...
so mr naha made most ppl run 3 rnds arnd the carpark...
the first few hu run finish dun need to go for detention..
so i wanted to run..cos mayb got chance..
so mr.tan wen to ask the 1st or 2nd late tymers to step out...
den he ask dem go n run...
so it was my 3rd tym today...
n my frend onli 2nd tym...
so wen mr.tan collect the latecomers slip...
den my frend go tell him tt its her 2nd tym..
cos she oso wanna run...
so i blaff him...well nt exactly blaff lah...
cos he was lyk givin me a choice where to go...
either go caning[hu wanna go dere rite]..
go detention...
or run n try ur chances...
so thk god i din get detention cos i was the first few
to finish running...
den by the tym finish all tt running it was lyk gonna finish chinese....
which was good...
den got bac more results...
for science got 77/100
history got 64/80
n geog got 74/100...:D
yeah so erica made up tis A-sumthing grp...
so im lyk in it...n so are all the ppl hu keep on getting As..
den its lyk wen teacher keep on saying tt i'm lyk one of the top few...everyone is lyk very surprised...
cos i alwaess got lyk 60 sumthing for my previous xams...
but i'm so happy...
den aft skool me eric n didi go buy chocolates for reshmi present...
cos feli n the others wanted to give reshmi a surprise..
so dey go buy black forest cake[my fave] for reshmi..
but by the tym we go bac to class...
they alreadi finish singing the song n cut the cake...
so sad...nvr wait for us...:)
den aft tt wanted to go for art xcursion wif the art club...
but in the end...decided nt...
cos to lazi...
YAH!!! i'm gg on a camp...
frm the 1st to 2nd of june...
the camp oso dunnoe where...
ask reshmi dunnoe wad she toking abt..
so me reshmi n didi gg for the camp...
luckily ellyana cannot go...
den teacher ask me to go..
cos i oso close wif didi..
can't wait..
stay over night summore...
but its lyk my 1st tym gg for camp...
ok..i stop here...

Tuesday, May 17, 2005 @ 11:46 PM
i'm so delighted today results came bac....
and it was good....
got 38/50 for english paper 1...
62/100 for maths...which is goood lah cos the last tym i failed :)
n 44/100 for chinese.....
i noe i'm gonna fail my chinese overall...
cos i failed every single test paper tis yr...
sux rite....
cos i'm kinda hopeless in chinese...
even the teacher said so....
i nvr tok chinese....
onli little bit loh....i tink i actualli shld go take CLB....
but den my parents will b so....disappointed...
but nvrmind...
chinese issen lyk so important...
not lyk i'm gonna migrate to china or sumthing....
i'm quite angry wif tt robert....
argh....but i've forgiven him...
but i'm still kinda angry....
but anyways....heres wad happened...
he wen to tok to tt GIRL abt me....
tinking tt he was such a good frend din noe he cld do sumthing lyk tt....
so horrified wen i heard it frm erica...
luckily she stood up for me n called him a BIG DICK...
wad a good frend...thks so much eric....
anyway i dunnoe wad i did to him....
but i'm juz so upset abt wad he said...
can't blive he wld do sumthing so so so horrifying...
feel lyk slappin him...
but i dun wanna lay hands on him....
he was the one hu beat me bfore....
summore go say these stuff...
wad a frend...!!
but i forgive him...
cos he is a brother in christ...
n a good frend...
so nvrmind i dun blame him oso lah....
juz wanna get it off my chest...
juz as long he dun do it again can alreadi....
okies...tts all....
lata muz get ready for scolding frm parents for failing chinese....*SiGh*

[Li PrinCeSsY]
Monday, May 16, 2005 @ 6:22 PM
today wake up so earlie...
cos cannot sleep...
today got no skool which rox..
but 2morrow muz get bac results...which sux..
anyway...theres lyk nt much stuff to do at home...
but oso lazi to go out...
but lata got tv to watch...
so its ok...
i guess tts all i can say...

[[Li AnGeL]]

Sunday, May 15, 2005 @ 11:29 PM
YAH!!!!!!!! xamz r OVER!!!!! oh i'm soooooo delighted
juz nw aft xams wen wif didi to tm n shop shop eat eat....
so fun.....
go n make the jelly jelly lyk substance thingy...
dunnoe wads tt called....
den so funnie...
the chairs ova dere for kiddies....
so no choice sit on carpet...
but so fun....didi sit down complain tt her's nt nice....
but it was ook lah...
den wen to mac n eat....
but still nt full....but i'm owaes hungry so its no biggie...:D
ahhh....i'm freee frm hmk n all...
but den muz get bac results which sux badly...
cos if get bac den nt good den feel sad......
but can enjoy for weeks n weeks n weeks during holiday....
wanna go wild wild wet again...yipeee
wen 2 tyms alreadi but its irrisistable...
need to go again n scream my lungs out on the slide up....
2morrow dun need to go to skool yah!!!! can stay at home...
all day long n sleep....:)
okies gtg....

~ReNiE~ smilez!~
Thursday, May 05, 2005 @ 10:01 PM
todai is so fun...
even skool kinda rocks for once..
but nt for cme..
quite boring lah..
but coming home was the best part!!!
i'm so happie so happie..
but kinda bored oso lah
too lazy to study sumtyms...
if dere was no such thing as skool n study...
but tts lyk so impossible..
2morrow got music lesson...
got dogg to see..yah!!
i'm lyk starvin now..
muz go eat eat eat...:)

[still waiting for u] ...saw u:)

12:17 AM
i'm bored....*SiGh*
mother's day comin alreadi...
dunnoe wad to buy for my mother....
summore got sharon's b'dae....
alreadi noe wad to buy....
ahh can't wait for my b'dae....
which is lyk 3 mths away...
so long...n summore on my b'dae got xam oso...
how sad......... mood to write anymore....
2morrow den continue...

[still waitin for u...]
Tuesday, May 03, 2005 @ 11:20 PM tt chinese paper so difficult...
but nvmind...its ova!!!!!!!!!!!!! so good
but i tink....i'll fail....or i noe i'll fail
tt mdm tan set the paper until so diff...
den she go say she purposely fail me for my xam...
wads tt suppose to mean...
but i tink she seriously wen to fail me...
cos she wan me to go clB...
but i'm not.....y shld i listen to her oso...
its so good tt she wen on labour....
got peace...eveytym she cum to class it gets boring...
but chinese is boring lah....
man i hate chinese....wanna take clB oso...
but parents wun let....
failed lyk all my chinese tests tis yr...
sucks man....
i can't wait for the hols...
oh got so much slackin to do during the hols...
n sleeping to....
n going out...tts the best!!!!
but onli for a month....or izzit less den tt....
aiyah....ovaseas got summer hol for so long....
s'pore so uptight....skool sux....
n so does the xams....
i'm too tired to study....
summore todai got tuition...argh!!!
haiz....gtg....n napppp

-still waiting for u....-
23 Aug 91
i'm blessed.
I Want to...
travel the world.

rock, indie, alternative, jazz, soul, oldies

All Talk


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