Thursday, April 28, 2005 @ 7:09 AM
wha.....i so long nvr write tym....
2morrow got sports day so xcited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ahhhhhh.....i misssssss sumone.............
soooooooooooo muccchhhhhhh............
wanna see sumone......again again again......
haiz........these boiling.......
burning me.... :P
n on top of tt got tis idiot....
irritatin one....arhx....can't stand her anymore...
feel lyk givin her tight slaps....
olwaes got nth to do but to tok abt ppl's boobs...
how irritatin one oso lyk her loh
act so pretti n 'slim'...oh gemme a puke bag pls!!!
bluck bluck bluck bluck bluck bluck bluck.......:P
ok toking abt her makes me puke more...
so i'm goonna stop.....
n go n sleep n dream...abt sumone.....ahhhhh
heex....ok nite!!! :D
Tuesday, April 12, 2005 @ 4:43 AM
ahhh....i got a happpie....:D..
so happie so happie happie happie...
but so sad...its lyk temporarily...
until my sis gets all As for her xams...
den she can hav it back...
cos she naughtie mahx...
den my dad went to confiscated it frm her....
and its mine now....yippeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh unlucky...
during hist lesson....
i tink i tok too much....
den lata ms chan wen to put me in the front...
but nvrmind...can see clearer....
but so boring....all alone...*SoB SoB* :P
oh yeah...den now chinese lesson can relax liao....
mrs tan in labour....
den the relief teacher...
dun care abt anything eh...
everyone eat in front of him...oso nvr scold..
den wadeva we do...he dun care...
everyone oso dun care wadeva he is toking abt oso...
wha...for 2 weeks...c.o is lyk frm fri... tiring...
everyday muz stay bac.....haix...

Friday, April 08, 2005 @ 8:50 PM
ohh...todai is so fun!!..go eat kebab wif erica n didi...
n i ate the whole thing...
den lata so full...:P
summore the speech day rehersal...
end so late....
so tired..
wait for soooo....long...
den juz slept for a while n the ava...
now i watching ''the outsiders''..
sooo touching..
gonna cry....
need tissues..
2morrow summore got c.o....
gonna hav more blackies under my eyes...
boo hoo...:(
ahh...can't wait for sports day...
gonna run 4x100 wif erica, didi n naz...
can't wait to prac...
den summore muz run the 200m...
i dun wan...
but tt miss chan go force me... no choice mahz...
okies....betta get gg liao.....

Thursday, April 07, 2005 @ 7:20 PM
ok...i feel so sillie...n i dunnoe embarrased...
ok...dun wanna write abt it..
anywaes...todai go see ma hla hla win...
she so happie...happie until keep on bowing...
luckie we go 2dai...cos she juz discharged...
aiyah...sumhow i still feel kinda guilty...
dunnoe y oso...
cos i lyk make everyone wait for mi...
so pai seh.. :S
den mi n sharon oso dunnoe where is the ward...
first go wrong place....
instead of gg to the ward place...we go clinic...
den lata go up wrong lift...
23 Aug 91
i'm blessed.
I Want to...
travel the world.

rock, indie, alternative, jazz, soul, oldies

All Talk


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Pictures : maesstria.